What is dietary supplement? Myths and misconceptions. Dietary supplements: real harm and dubious benefits Is it possible to drink dietary supplements without a doctor's prescription

Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Dietary supplements cannot replace good nutrition

They are also unable to cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can cause harm to the body at all. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, medicine or vitamin?

Not being drugs, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food. The official formulation defines them as a combination of natural (or identical to them) active substances intended for joint intake with food or introduction into the composition food products.

What is the difference between a dietary supplement and a medicine?

When developing a drug, pharmacists partially "delegate" some of the "responsibilities" of body cells to it. Most drugs are chemically synthesized. Procedure and duration of admission medicines are rather strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a "cocktail", all ingredients of which are mainly of natural origin.

The regulation of physiological functions and biochemical reactions of dietary supplements is carried out by eliminating the deficiency of a particular nutrient.

You will learn all the details about how dietary supplements differ from drugs from the video:

An important difference between them and medicines is the procedure for prescribing. Many drugs in a short period of time remove the manifestations of an existing disease. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to "delay" possible diseases practically healthy people.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin and mineral complexes (VMC), then, being drugs, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances, which, entering the body along with food, play the role of "catalysts" that spur biological processes that support vital energy.

In dietary supplements active substances present in doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMC, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question whether dietary supplements are good or bad, let us note the main purpose of their appointment - to balance the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, gives a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous "fertilizing". The depleted soil does not have time to "give" the early ripening fruits the remnants of mineral and other substances. The same applies to livestock breeding with the use of numerous compound feeds. The result is that the population is deficient in most nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements is the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more details on why dietary supplements are needed, see the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences subdivided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for people without diseases and people with chronic ailments as sources of micro- and macroelements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceuticals. Supplement drug therapy, support the functionality of individual organs and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or Probiotics- sources of live microorganisms, useful for maintaining the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

By supplementing food, the drugs of each of this group provide health improvement. individual systems or the whole organism.

Improvement and "cleansing" of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturating the body with nutrients, dietary supplements also have their disadvantages. They are subject to certification, which means only the absence of harmful substances. But with an unskilled selection, at first glance, innocuous components of the additives can do harm.

So, preparations based on mint threaten a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
Ephedra herb extract, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is similar in composition to narcotic substances - for hypertensive patients and persons with cardiovascular ailments, it is dangerous.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Taking some drugs based on herbs with an estrogen-like effect (licorice, red clover) can introduce an imbalance in the hormonal background.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin and mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will bring to the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Excessive doses of drugs with high content fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

Excess, for example, beta-carotene, under the influence of cigarette smoke, triggers oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared with the harmful effect of two packs of cigarettes smoked per day!

And uncontrollably swallowing "water-soluble" ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing that is worth remembering for those who decided to make dietary supplements a component of a healthy lifestyle is that their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned several dozen food additives... Therefore, in order not to fall for the bait of manufacturers of "dummies", visit the official website Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

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Dietary supplements (BAA) over the past decades have entered our lives so thoroughly that it seems that it is already impossible to find a person who has not tried them at least once. But most of our compatriots have a vague idea of ​​what dietary supplements consist of, how they work and how they differ from real medicines. Let's try to understand these issues, and at the same time understand how necessary such supplements are.

Source: depositphotos.com

The history of the appearance of dietary supplements, their composition and purpose

Already in ancient times, people knew that extracts from certain plants, powders from minerals and dried parts of animal bodies have a positive effect on the body (relieve fatigue, improve mood and vitality, eliminate the symptoms of diseases, etc.). The first drugs were mixtures, sometimes quite complex, of extracts and extracts of this kind. It was they who were used for therapy before the advent of synthetic drugs. V late XIX century, the world again "turned its face" to drugs of natural origin, mainly for the purpose of general improvement, prolongation of life and getting rid of the consequences of existence in a developed industrial society(obesity, depression, neurosis, etc.).

The authors of the first dietary supplements were enthusiasts who turned to the experience of oriental healers and tested the effect of the selected substances on themselves. They created drugs of a general strengthening nature and distributed among their loved ones (at first even for nothing). A real boom happened in the second half of the twentieth century, when supplements were invented that supposedly helped to lose weight, diverged according to the "network marketing" system. At the end of the 90s, the craze for dietary supplements reached Russia and became widespread, which was greatly facilitated by aggressive advertising and a rather high level of distrust in official medicine. Today, our pharmacies and stores offer hundreds of supplements, most of which, at a very high price, can not only be useless, but also be harmful to health.

Dietary supplements consist of extracts of plant, animal or mineral origin and are designed to optimize the amount of vitamins, microelements and some other components that are needed for normal functioning of the body. According to experts, with a balanced diet, a person should consume more than 600 various substances... It is clear that many simply cannot afford a diet that meets these requirements. And it makes sense to get some of the components in a concentrated form from drugs that are properly made, safe and affordable. Ideally, dietary supplements should play this role.

Why Consuming Dietary Supplements Can Be Dangerous

If the composition of the dietary supplement fully corresponds to that stated on the package, the drug is produced in compliance with all technological and sanitary and hygienic requirements, the rules for its storage and sale have not been violated, and the need for these particular substances for a particular person has been precisely established, the dietary supplement will undoubtedly bring real benefit... The trouble is that the fulfillment of all these conditions is the exception rather than the rule. In reality, dietary supplements do more harm than good. The main reasons are as follows:

  • State requirements for dietary supplements are much milder than for pharmaceuticals. Dietary supplements should not undergo clinical trials, their quality and composition are simply declared by the manufacturer. This means that the company that produces the additive makes a statement about what the product consists of and how it works, and the compliance of these statements with reality remains on its conscience;
  • in medical programs educational institutions training courses on the specifics of the use of dietary supplements are officially absent. It turns out that not only consumers of supplements, but also doctors do not have sufficient knowledge about the effect of such products on the human body, its compatibility with drugs, side effect and other important nuances;
  • biologically active additives are very often sold by organizations and individuals who do not have any right to such activities;
  • advertising of dietary supplements in most cases does not correspond to their real qualities, it is unscrupulous and incorrect;
  • a significant part of the supplements offered on the market are made from low-quality raw materials or contain components that are hazardous to health.

Many people mistakenly believe that biologically active substances(Dietary supplements) are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of various diseases and are a medicine. But dietary supplements cannot replace the main treatment of more than one disease, they only supplement it. Back in January 2001, Federal Law No. 29 "On Safety and Quality of Food" was issued, which states that dietary supplements are natural or identical biologically active substances that should be consumed between meals or added to food. In July 2002, a new requirement was introduced for dietary supplements, according to which it is forbidden to sell them without an inscription on the packaging: "It is not a medicine."

The concepts of food additives and dietary supplements are not the same thing. Nutritional supplements- these are substances that are added during the canning and production of certain products in order to give them aroma, taste, pleasant color, and so on. These are various thickeners, flavors and preservatives. Their presence in the composition of products is indicated by the index "E" and a three-digit number next to it.

Supplements are concentrates of natural or identical to them substances, which are obtained mainly from plant, mineral and animal raw materials. But there are varieties of dietary supplements obtained by biotechnological and chemical methods... Most often, you can find dietary supplements on sale in the form of tablets, dry powders, balms, gelatin capsules and teas, and you can find out their prices and assortment on the LookMart portal. It is recommended to take dietary supplements to activate metabolic and regulatory processes in the body, they affect the immune status. Each doctor can confirm the statement that the use of dietary supplements is useful. But as the data of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences show, only 3% of the population of our country regularly take dietary supplements, while 90% of Japanese and 50% of Americans add them to food every day or eat separately. The overwhelming majority of biologically active substances useful to our body are found in berries, herbs, seafood, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, etc. But to get an average daily dose of these useful products through food, you need to eat daily foods in such quantities that even a person with an excellent appetite cannot do. In developed countries this has long been understood, so they take dietary supplements every day to maintain health, youth and beauty.

Today, you can buy dietary supplements even at a grocery store; the assortment can be found on the LookMart portal. There are three classes of dietary supplements - nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics. Nutraceuticals are vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats and other substances necessary for our body. Nutraceuticals cannot cure the disease, but it is really possible to increase immunity and prevent the development of many diseases with the help of them.

Parapharmaceuticals contain organic acids, biogenic amines, caffeine, bioflavonoids and other substances with a more serious effect. They are used for additional therapy and prevention of almost all diseases.

Eubiotics are supplements made on the basis of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - natural human intestines. It is useful to take eubiotics for dysbiosis and other disorders gastrointestinal tract... They are used as an additional treatment or for the prevention of diseases.

Recommended for use with food:
- to replenish the body with amino acids, trace elements, essential fatty acids, enzymes and other useful substances;
- to reduce appetite and reduce the calorie content of food;
- increasing immunity and preventing the development of diseases;

Improving the regulation of the physiological functions of organs and the whole organism;
- to cleanse the body of toxins;
- restoration of intestinal microflora and maintenance of its normal composition.

Currently about Dietary supplements There are many rumors, someone considers them a miracle cure for all diseases, and someone claims that dietary supplements are needed only by manufacturers and sellers in order to siphon extra money from rich people.

Once again, I would like to remind you that this is not a medicine, they cannot stop the development of the pathological process and get rid of the disease. But taking them regularly can put the body in order and prevent the development of diseases. After all, everyone knows that there is a huge link between the deficiency of certain nutrients in the body and the development of diseases. For example, insufficient calcium leads to osteoporosis, low iron leads to anemia, potassium leads to coronary heart disease, and so on.

No matter how useful they are to take them for a long time and should not be taken without the supervision of a doctor. Before you start taking them, consult a therapist, and when buying, choose the best. To do this, read the instructions and check the certificates, and do not forget that dietary supplements are poorly protected from unscrupulous manufacturers and most often drugs of inadequate quality are sold under this name.

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Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Dietary supplements cannot replace good nutrition

They are also unable to cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can cause harm to the body at all. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, medicine or vitamin?

Not being drugs, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food. The official formulation defines them as a combination of natural (or identical to them) active substances intended for combined with food intake or introduction into food products.

What is the difference between a dietary supplement and a medicine?

When developing a drug, pharmacists partially "delegate" some of the "responsibilities" of body cells to it. Most drugs are chemically synthesized. The procedure and duration of taking medications are rather strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a "cocktail", all ingredients of which are mainly of natural origin.

The regulation of physiological functions and biochemical reactions of dietary supplements is carried out by eliminating the deficiency of a particular nutrient.

You will learn all the details about how dietary supplements differ from drugs from the video:

An important difference between them and medicines is the procedure for prescribing. Many drugs in a short period of time remove the manifestations of an existing disease. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to "delay" possible diseases for practically healthy people.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), then, being drugs, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances, which, entering the body with food, play the role of "catalysts" that spur biological processes that support vital energy.

In dietary supplements, the active substances are present in doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMC, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question whether dietary supplements are good or bad, let us note the main purpose of their appointment - to balance the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, gives a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous "fertilizing". The depleted soil does not have time to "give" the early ripening fruits the remnants of mineral and other substances. The same applies to livestock breeding with the use of numerous compound feeds. The result is that the population is deficient in most nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements is the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more details on why dietary supplements are needed, see the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences subdivided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for people without diseases and people with chronic ailments as sources of micro- and macroelements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceuticals. Supplement drug therapy, support the functionality of individual organs and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or Probiotics- sources of live microorganisms, useful for maintaining the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

Supplementing food, drugs of each of this group provide healing of individual systems or the whole organism.

Improvement and "cleansing" of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturating the body with nutrients, dietary supplements also have their disadvantages. They are subject to certification, which means only the absence of harmful substances. But with an unskilled selection, at first glance, innocuous components of the additives can do harm.

So, preparations based on mint threaten a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
Ephedra herb extract, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is similar in composition to narcotic substances - for hypertensive patients and persons with cardiovascular ailments, it is dangerous.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Taking some drugs based on herbs with an estrogen-like effect (licorice, red clover) can introduce an imbalance in the hormonal background.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin and mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will bring to the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Excessive doses of drugs with a high content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

Excess, for example, beta-carotene, under the influence of cigarette smoke, triggers oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared with the harmful effect of two packs of cigarettes smoked per day!

And uncontrollably swallowing "water-soluble" ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing that is worth remembering for those who decided to make dietary supplements a component of a healthy lifestyle is that their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of several dozen food additives. Therefore, in order not to fall for the bait of manufacturers of "dummies", visit the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

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With the permission of the copyright holder, we are publishing an excerpt from an important book by Transcend, dedicated to dietary supplements: why and how much a person needs them.

Today, careless entrepreneurs have practically killed the image of the letter combination “BAA” (biologically active additives) in Russia - there are a lot of charlatans selling tickets at exorbitant prices. However, dietary supplements (which also include all vitamin-containing preparations) are vital. Here's what scientists and their research have to say about them.

These guidelines are published in the book Transcend published by "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" and we publish them with the permission of the copyright holders (and of course, with strong abbreviations). The book was written by Ray Kurzweil - inventor, futurist scientist, one of the directors of Google and Terry Grossman - MD, founder of the longevity clinic. They are at the forefront of science, they are direct participants in information, scientific and medical progress.

Like others, you may at times be confused by the excess of conflicting information about dietary supplements. Depending on the source of information, be it medical workers, government agencies or manufacturers, recommendations for the use of dietary supplements in general and certain dietary supplements in particular, as well as their dosages, can vary greatly. Even the nutritional guidelines developed by the US Institute of Medicine can lead to an ordinary person perplexed.

We will help you separate the wheat from the chaff and decide how you personally should take dietary supplements.

The importance of dietary supplements

We have already done a wonderful one, where we described the history of the study, the importance and risk of taking each vitamin for a person. Now we give the floor to the authors of Transcend.

It has long been known that a lack of certain nutrients leads to the development of various diseases (for example, vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, and vitamin D - rickets). Despite this, it is only recently that suggested dietary nutrient levels have been specified as the minimum required for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies. And for a long time it was believed that balanced diet- everything you need to get the nutrients you need for health. But today we know that this statement is far from the truth.

Ongoing research on nutrition and disease is providing more and more evidence for the need for supplements. For example, a study published in Nature Reviews Cancer back in 2002 found that deficiencies in vitamins C, B6 and B12, folate, iron, and zinc can damage DNA and cause cancer.

It has been found that taking dietary supplements improves memory, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents problems with the prostate gland, relieves symptoms of menopause, reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of developing cataracts.

Several recent studies have found that taking certain dietary supplements has a beneficial effect on the course of various diseases:

  • A study in the Netherlands with 4,400 people over 55 found a 45% reduction in the risk of heart attack with regular beta-carotene supplementation for 4 years.
  • The Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly study of 11,000 older adults aged 67 to 105 found a 34% reduction in overall mortality and heart disease mortality by 47% with vitamin E.
  • Taking calcium and vitamin D supplements can help prevent bone loss in osteoporosis. And, according to average estimates, more than 130,000 fractures could be avoided each year hip joint(US data - ed.), if all people over 50 took a minimum of 1200 mg of calcium per day.
  • A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2004) in 1,000 men showed a 50% reduction in the risk of advanced prostate cancer in men with higher blood selenium levels over a 13-year follow-up. Consequently, the National Cancer Institute established the Selenium and Vitamin E Efficacy Study in Cancer Prevention (SELECT), in which 35,000 men over 55 years of age participated. It has not yet been completed.
  • There have been many anecdotal reports in the medical literature indicating that high-dose intravenous vitamin C can help treat many different types cancer... A recent animal experiment has shown that high doses of vitamin C destroy cancer cells... And the first clinical trial of vitamin C in human cancer, sponsored by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, is still pending. Terry, in turn, is involved in another study made possible by a grant from the Adolph Course Foundation. Objective - To study the use of high doses of vitamin C for the treatment of hepatitis C.

Research on the right and wrong vitamin E

Yet it seems that the media is paying less attention successful research in this area, rather than those that indicate the danger of taking vitamins and dietary supplements.

Another notable study (Mortality Rates in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplementation on Primary and Secondary Prevention), which reported negative results, was published in 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). It exposed the use of antioxidants in general and also had numerous serious drawbacks.

In the study of the effects of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol was again used, rather than a mixture of tocopherols... And to study the effects of vitamin A, they chose a strange study that included taking only one dose of this vitamin, which is not recommended. Out of 815 studies of dietary supplements that could be used, the authors selected only 68. Their review showed significant bias - well-designed large studies with positive results were not selected.

For example, a study of 29,000 male smokers who had been monitored for 19 years was out of sight. This experiment showed a 28% reduction in mortality in men with the highest vitamin E levels compared to those with the lowest levels.

Careful with minerals

Be sure to use caution when taking minerals as they are more toxic than some other nutrients. For example, 15 mg of zinc does not exceed the ONA norm, and doses over 100 mg per day can have toxic effects.

Iron and sodium are a special case: although both of these minerals are considered essential, they are found in sufficient or exceeding amounts in almost every diet, and they are not included in vitamin-mineral complexes. Excess sodium in the body becomes the main reason high blood pressure and fluid retention, and excess iron has been linked to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, an increased risk of infection, and worsening of rheumatoid arthritis.

We do not recommend taking dietary supplements that contain iron, except in some cases, such as pregnancy, heavy menstruation, or chronic blood loss. Some recent research suggests that calcium supplementation is associated with an increased risk of heart attack in older women.

And if so, until further research is done, we suggest women only take calcium until age 70 and then stop.

You can get your optimal ONA rates for most minerals with food, but below we list the ONA rates for those minerals that we believe are best obtained with dietary supplements.

Fish fat

In addition to consuming fish several times a week, most adults may benefit from fish oil in which there are many fatty acids omega-3: eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). In our body, EPA and DHA act as precursors for chemicals that help reduce inflammation.

Remember, inflammation is a common process associated with many common and serious illnesses, from arthritis and asthma to cancer and heart disease.
Even conservative medicine in some cases supports the intake of fish oil. Today the American Heart Association recommends that patients with coronary heart disease take 1 g of fish oil daily.

The National Institutes of Health also calls it useful, not only in treating patients with heart problems, but also in normalizing elevated triglyceride levels and high blood pressure... These three readings are rated A, meaning the National Institutes of Health believes that these recommendations are backed up by strong scientific evidence.

The use of fish oil in the primary prevention of heart disease and the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is rated B (there is strong evidence to support its use), while the use of fish oil for 27 other diseases, from cancer prevention to depression and schizophrenia, is rated C (there is some evidence, but further study is required).

Fish oil is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Most people nowadays consume much more calories from sources of omega-6 fats, which contribute to increased inflammation. Many years ago, before processed food was introduced, there was almost equal amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fats in the human diet. It is not uncommon for people today to consume 25 times more omega-6 fats than omega-3 fats, which increases inflammation in the body and raises the risk of related diseases.

As we discussed in Chapter 2, inflammation underlies each of the stages in the process that leads to unstable plaque formation in arteries and heart attacks. It also causes many other diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer and arthritis. Limiting consumption of omega-6 fats (mainly vegetable oils) and increasing the intake of fish oil from food and supplements can help restore balance.

There is currently no RDA for omega-3 fats, but the National Institutes of Health recommends that healthy adults consume 4 grams of these fats per day. Our ONA rate for EPA is 750–3000 mg per day, and for DHA it is 500–2000 mg per day. Vegetarians can get 2.5 grams of omega-3 fats with every teaspoon of flaxseed oil.

Vitamin D

It seems as though new studies are emerging almost every day pointing to the benefits of high level vitamin D in the body. There is such overwhelming evidence of this that even traditional medicine doctors have noticed vitamin D, measure its level in their patients, and recommend taking it as a food supplement.

We found that in addition to the daily intake of vitamin D as part of the vitamin-mineral complex, most people benefit from taking this vitamin as a separate dietary supplement.
Vitamin D is the only one for which you can determine your ONA rate by taking a blood test for its content.

If your 25 (OH) D level is 20 or less, we suggest starting with 5,000 IU of vitamin D per day. If the level is 21-30, start taking 2,000 IU daily, and if in the range of 31 to 40, then 1000 IU, respectively.

After three months, take a second test and revise the dose of vitamin D, depending on the result. Don't be surprised if it takes six months or more to reach optimal blood levels of this vitamin.

Usually, once the desired level of vitamin D in the blood has been reached, it will take 1000–2000 IU per day to maintain it and monitor it periodically to prevent excessive accumulation in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is believed to be more effective than vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), although some recent studies indicate that they are equally effective.

Vitamin D has long been a concern of toxicity because it is fat soluble and can accumulate in adipose tissue, and an excess of it can provoke elevated level calcium in the blood. However, more recent studies show that this rarely happens, and the current RDA (400 IU) is too low.

A natural way to increase your vitamin D levels is by directly exposing your skin to sunlight. Impact sunlight allows the body to synthesize vitamin D from cholesterol in the skin, but the film formed by sunscreen prevents this conversion.

Vitamin D is not enough in food, but it is added to milk and some other so-called fortified foods.

The authors of the book also go through a number of additional dietary supplements that can be useful for people over 40-50 years old, but you can read these details already in the book itself. As a conclusion, we will place a table with the recommended an example scheme taking dietary supplements.


Our ONA guidelines reflect general principles intake of dietary supplements, and, of course, cannot be called universal. Individual needs depend on many factors, including gender, age, weight, occupation, stress level, health status, and genetic predisposition.

To help develop the most effective dietary supplement regimen, we bring to your attention the following sample programs, which can be considered basic. Ask your doctor to help you get the proper examinations and tests on a regular basis to ensure that you are taking the correct doses of the required dietary supplements.