CardMatch is a new game on PokerStars. How to collect cards

PokerStars ran its most successful promotions for cash players this year. Both CardHunt and Pyramid showed their best side and it became clear to Krasnaya Pika marketers that players love to play solitaire games. Thus, a direct heir to the two previous shares under the name was born. And since there is no end date for this mini-game, then, most likely, it will become permanent.

As is usually the case, PokerStars first tested this product in select markets (in this case, Canada was chosen). After a month of a successful trial, CardMatch entered the global dot-com platform.

What is CardMatch?

The new toy, like CardHunt / Pyramid, looks like this: you sit down at a Zoom table (regular tables do not participate in the promotion) from a limit of $0.05/$0.10 to $1/$2. Next you have a small menu with ten random cards. Your task is to win hands (no matter with or without showdown) holding one of these cards in your hand. Once 5 out of 10 cards are crossed out, you will receive a cash prize.

You must collect 5 out of 10 cards in one session. Once you leave the Zoom table, all ten cards will be discarded and you will have to start over. And by the way, you yourself can “discard” 10 random cards offered after 10 hands.

According to the official PokerStars, CardMatch does not work on regular tables. Apparently, due to the fact that they tend to fall apart, collecting 5 out of 10 cards would be extremely difficult.


Here they gave you a card with 10 cards (which, by the way, have a value of at least ten, so no one is forcing you to win with 2-7 offsuit to get a prize). You closed 5 required cards and receive a reward. Its size is also determined randomly.

The table of probabilities can be viewed below, but we will tell you this: smart guys have already calculated everything and on average you will receive 77 cents for completing a task. In total, you can close 3 cards per day (that is, on average you can make $2.32 per day with this promotion)

Well, so that the task is not a minus...

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Daily draw up to $3,000! Collect fivecards while playing at cash tables. Play CardMatch and win three free cash prizes every day!

What is the game CardMatch?

CardMatch is a new game, available at the Zoom poker tables. By registering to play CardMatch at the poker table, you will receive a game card with 10 cards. To receive a prize, you must collect 5 of these 10 cards during a Zoom poker session by winning hands with the corresponding hole cards.

To close the CardMatch game card and receive guaranteed cash prize, play Zoom poker (bet from $0.05/$0.10 to $1/$2, at least 6 players at the table) and collect five cards from your game card, winning hands with matching hole cards. When you win with a pocket card that is on your game card, you will see a special animation that will show which card you received.

How to collect cards

The cards count towards the game card if you win the hand.

You can win a hand at any stage (pre-flop, flop, turn, river or showdown) and your hole cards will count.

Register for the CardMatch game right now!

Start receiving daily prizes! If you are playing in the desktop version of the client program, the CardMatch game card will be available in the chat window at the table. If you are playing on a mobile device, click "CardMatch" at the top of the table to start a new CardMatch game.

Play CardMatch as much as you want until you get everything three daily rewards!

Rules of the game CardMatch

For each CardMatch game card, you are given a limited number of hands in which you can collect cards. The number of hands remaining is displayed below the game card.

You can start a new CardMatch game card at any time, even if you have not yet closed the current one. You can start new card after you play 10 hands at the Zoom poker table.

CardMatch game rewards and the likelihood of receiving them

Having collected 5 out of 10 cards on a game card, you will close it and receive a random reward. Every day you can close up to three game cards and get up to three rewards. As soon as the third game card for the current day is closed, all other CardMatch game cards will be deleted.

Reward (USD) Probability
$1 000 0,0005%
$100 0,005%
$15 0,05%
$7,50 0,2%
$3 1%
$1,50 5%
$1 33,7445%
$0,50 60%

Have the opportunity to win up to $1,000 by collecting a winning combination of five cards. To do this, you need to take part in the CardMatch game at the fast poker tables - Zoom Poker, receive a game card with ten cards, five of which must be closed during the game. The completed combination can bring the user winnings in the amount of $0.50 to $1,000 daily up to three times, i.e. Every day you can get up to $3000.

What is CardMatch?

CardMatch is a new game that you can take part in while playing at the Zoom poker tables. Register in the game, go to the Zoom tables with bets ranging from $0.05/$0.10 to $1/$2, collect 5 cards out of the 10 shown on your card and receive a guaranteed cash prize. Each card is given a certain number of hands for which it must be closed. To collect a card, you need to win a hand with it (the card must be pocket). It doesn’t matter whether you win the hand preflop or postflop - it’s important that the bank goes to you. If everything is done correctly, you will see a special animation indicating the card is closed.

After all five cards are closed, you will receive a random reward from the list below.

Reward (USD) Probability
$1 000 0,0005%
$100 0,005%
$15 0,05%
$7,50 0,2%
$3 1%
$1,50 5%
$1 33,7445%
$0,50 60%

Rewards due are credited to the player's account instantly. Please also note that the CardMatch card is unique to each gaming table, so if for any reason you decide to leave the table, your CardMatch gaming card will be voided.

How to register with CardMatch?

IN full version client, you can register in the chat at the gaming table. If you are playing from a smartphone or tablet, click the "CardMatch" button at the top of the table.

You can participate in the promotion an unlimited number of times, but the number of rewards is limited to three per day. Each new card can only be started after playing 10 hands.

Every day you have three opportunities to win cash prizes of up to $1,000 by collecting five cards while playing at our tables. Play CardMatch and win three free cash prizes every day!


CardMatch is a new game available at the Zoom poker tables. When you register to play CardMatch at a poker table, you will receive a 10-card game card. To receive a prize, you must collect 5 of these 10 cards during a Zoom poker session by winning hands with the corresponding hole cards.

To complete a CardMatch game card and receive a guaranteed cash prize, play Zoom Poker ($0.05/$0.10 to $1/$2 stakes, at least 6 players per table) and collect five cards from your game card by winning hands with matching pocket cards. When you win with a pocket card that is on your game card, you will see a special animation that shows which card you received.


Your hole cards count towards the game card if you win the hand.
You can win a hand at any stage (preflop, flop, turn, river or showdown) and your hole cards will count.


If you are playing on the desktop version of the client, the CardMatch game card will be available in the chat window at the table.
If you're playing on a mobile device, click "CardMatch" at the top of the table to start a new CardMatch game.


For each CardMatch game card, you are given a limited number of hands in which you can collect cards. The number of hands remaining is displayed below the game card.

You can start a new CardMatch game card at any time, even if you have not yet closed the current one. You can start a new card after you have played 10 hands at the Zoom poker table.


Once you collect 5 out of 10 cards on a game card, you will close it and receive a random reward. Every day you can close up to three game cards and get up to three rewards. As soon as the third game card for the current day is closed, all other CardMatch game cards will be deleted.


$1000 - 0,0005%
$100 - 0,005%
$15 - 0,05%
$7,50 - 0,2%
$3 - 1%
$1,50 - 5%
$1 - 33,7445%
$0,50 - 60%


Players can receive an unlimited number of CardMatch game cards until they close three of them for the current day (00:00-23:59 ET).

To start collecting CardMatch game cards, you must click "Start" on the CardMatch game card. Hands played before pressing the "Start" button are not taken into account in the CardMatch game.

You only receive your reward once you have collected five out of ten CardMatch game cards. There are no rewards for individual collected cards.

If you leave the poker table, your CardMatch playing card will be voided.

Random cash prizes are displayed in the CardMatch game window. Cash rewards are credited instantly and you can use them as you wish without any restrictions. To find out the size of the reward, click "Get a prize" in the game card.

CardMatch is available at Zoom poker cash tables with stakes ranging from $0.05/$0.10 to $1/$2. Hands played at tables of other types of poker, in heads-up games, as well as distributions on play chips and tournament hands are not taken into account.

Your hole cards only count toward the CardMatch game card if you win the hand.

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