Beta Alanine before or after training. Beta Alanine: what is it for and how to take it? Sports nutrition Beta-alanine - the best products

is a natural amino acid whose amino group is in the beta position. This amino acid has gained its popularity in bodybuilding and sports, due to the fact that its use significantly increases the impact of training. But many people use creatine along with alanine to enhance the effect of the amino acid. The synthesis of alanine was first carried out in the 50s of the 19th century.

Beta-alanine is not found in its pure form in conventional foods. It can only be found in the peptides carnosine, anserine and balenine, which are found in protein-rich meat and fish. In some quantities, the human body can independently synthesize this substance from nucleotides. Most effective way Replenishing the body's reserves of beta-alanine can be considered taking special supplements that contain a lot of this amino acid.

Beta alanine is a natural amino acid whose amino group is in the beta position

Synthesis and methods of taking the supplement

Beta-alanine is structural unit carnosine, a molecule that is responsible for the accumulation of lactic acid in human muscles, which significantly increases the level of physical endurance.

Carnosine synthesis occurs in human muscle tissue, but in insufficient quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally obtain the amino acid from the outside. Meat and fish products are rich in beta-alanine. It is believed that the synthesis of carnosine occurs more efficiently in the meat of deep-sea fish, for which this substance is vital. The concentration of carnosine or beta-alanine depends on the level stressful situations in a living organism. Therefore, carnosine synthesis is highest in wild animals.

Any dietary supplement must be taken very carefully. And with beta-alanine the situation is exactly the same. It is more effective to take the amino acid together with other similar supplements. Creatine is the best companion for beta-alanine.

Any nutritional supplement must be taken very carefully, and with beta-alanine the situation is exactly the same.

You need to start taking it with small doses, which should not exceed 6 grams per day. You need to drink this amount of amino acid two or three times a day for a week. Next, you can slightly increase the dose of beta alanine.

The safe dosage is 400–800 mg every 8 hours. The recommended course of taking the dietary supplement is no more than 10 – 12 weeks. This mode can be called the best. During this period, carnosine in the body increases to 80%.

Many such substances have side effects, but our amino acid has only a positive effect on the body. The only downside is a slight tingling sensation in the different parts body or a surge of heat, for the most part they are observed in the lip area. These unpleasant effects can be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to consume beta-alanine after eating a meal, especially one rich in carbohydrates. Various loads on the body can also reduce discomfort. But it is better to avoid coffee, since caffeine increases the discomfort that arises from taking alanine.

The safe dosage is 400 – 800 mg every 8 hours

Research to identify different side effects little has been done, so it is not recommended to exceed the required doses of beta-alanine. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take this supplement with extreme caution or should avoid it altogether. In any case, you need to consult a doctor also because the effect of beta-alanine on female body very little has been studied.

What is beta-alanine for? Interaction with creatine

L Alanine and cretin together increase a person’s endurance and strength, and also significantly accelerate growth muscle mass and help get rid of fat deposits.

Numerous studies have shed light on the qualitative interaction of alanine and creatine. An experiment conducted in 2006 showed that men who consumed creatine and alanine at the same time significantly outperformed other subjects who took only creatine or l-alanine in muscle mass. The studies were conducted on people with a high level of physical fitness.

L Alanine and cretin together increase endurance and strength in humans

Another study was designed to examine the effects of the amino acid combination alanine and creatine on aerobic exercise. As a result of the study, it became clear that creatine and beta-alanine bring the body to a new level of resistance to aerobic exercise.

Who needs l alanine? First of all, beta-alanine must be taken by athletes and bodybuilders.
TO Categories of athletes who need l alanine:

  • athletes experiencing constant anaerobic loads.
  • athletes who want to increase muscle endurance and strength qualities of the body.
  • athletes who practice martial arts such as boxing or hand-to-hand combat.
  • football players, basketball players, hockey players, etc.
  • crossfit athletes.
  • athletes who want to increase their muscle mass as quickly as possible.

Daily intake of alanine before training by athletes of various categories has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. For example, the amino acid had a very good effect on the body of football players after three months of use. Because after this period, the results of their games increased by 30 - 40%. A study aimed at the effect of alanine on the body of boxers found that the power of punches increased significantly. And this is just after a month of regular amino acid intake.

Where to buy beta alanine

You can buy alanine on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which alanine suits you best, then it can be found on.


The amino acid beta-alanine should be present in the diet of people who lead a fairly active lifestyle, be it heavy physical work or training in the gym. The metabolism of alanine in the human body is indispensable for those who want to not easily build muscle mass, but also dream of creating a beautiful, sculpted body. Don't forget about accompanying amino acids, such as creatine, to increase the effectiveness of the supplements.

Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that significantly increases carnosine levels in muscles. Carnosine is a muscle tissue buffer that fights acidification during training. In other words, the more carniosine there is in the muscles, the lower the acidity level will be, and, therefore, the less muscle wasting during exercise. Also, beta-alanine will relieve you of muscle pain after training, since it significantly accelerates the recovery of microtraumas in muscle tissue.

Beta-alanine owes its appearance in sports to a 1984 study. Then scientists noticed that professional sprinters withstand more anaerobic load than was included in the research. Then it was suggested that these athletes had a large intracellular buffer, which pushed back the threshold for acid accumulation in the muscles. These buffers included carnosine.

Since carnosine is a dipeptide compound of histidine and beta-alanine, taking the latter can increase the level of carnosine in the body. But a decrease in pH concentration in muscles is far from the only beneficial effect beta-alanine. Beta-alanine has been shown to be an antioxidant and inactivate corrosive compounds and harmful oxygen radicals.

In strength sports, beta-alanine does not play a role last role. Many athletes have difficulty during training cycles of 15 or more repetitions. Painful sensations in the muscles prevent you from completing the exercise to the end with the necessary technique. If the problem described applies to you, then taking beta-alanine may help solve it.

How to take beta alanine

The recommended dosage for this supplement is 400-800 mg every 8 hours. For convenience, you can take beta-alanine at a time in the amount of 3-4 grams per day. The minimum duration of admission is 4-5 weeks, the maximum is 8-12. Studies have shown that after 12 weeks of supplementation, carnosine levels peak and stabilize.

Beta-alanine has one unpleasant property - a slight tingling of the skin (most often the face, neck, chest, less often the back) after taking the supplement. This is due to peripheral nerve irritation and usually goes away after a week of continuous use.

Beta-alanine is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This is due to its ability to increase physical indicators, as well as beneficial effects on overall health. This article contains everything you need to know about beta-alanine.

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Unlike most other amino acids, it is not used by the body to synthesize proteins.

Instead, it, together with histidine, produces carnosine, which is then stored in our skeletal muscles Oh. ()

Carnosine reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles during exercise, which leads to improved athletic performance. ( , )

How it works?

Normally, our body is characterized by high level histidine and low beta-alanine, which limits the production of carnosine. ( , )

Beta-alanine supplementation reportedly increases muscle carnosine levels by 80%. ( , , , , )

The mechanism of action of carnosine during exercise is as follows:

  1. Glucose is broken down: Glycolysis is the process of breaking down glucose, which is the main source of fuel during high-intensity exercise.
  2. Lactate is produced: During exercise, muscles break down glucose into lactic acid. This, in turn, is converted into lactate, which produces hydrogen ions (H+).
  3. Increased muscle acidity: Hydrogen ions lower the pH level in the muscles, increasing their acidity.
  4. Weakness appears: Muscle acidity blocks the breakdown of glucose and reduces the ability of muscles to contract. The result is fatigue and weakness. ( , , )

Carnosine acts as an acid buffer, reducing muscle acidity during high-intensity exercise. ( , )

Because beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine levels in muscles, they help muscles reduce acidity levels during intense exercise. This leads to a decrease in weakness and fatigue.


Beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine levels, which reduce muscle acidity during high-intensity exercise.

How does beta-alanine affect athletic performance and strength?

Beta-alanine improves athletic performance. It can reduce fatigue, increase endurance and productivity during high-intensity exercise.

Increases time to exhaustion

Research has shown that beta-alanine helps increase time to exhaustion (TTE).

In other words, it helps you perform exercises for a longer period without breaks. ( , , ) A study conducted among cyclists found that taking this supplement for 4 weeks increased the subjects' overall performance by 13%. After 10 weeks, this figure increased by another 3.2%. ()

A similar study of 20 male cyclists reported a 13-14% increase in time to exhaustion after 4 weeks of starting beta-alanine supplementation. ()

Benefits of shorter periods of exercise

In general, muscle acidosis limits the duration of intense exercise.

For this reason, beta-alanine is especially helpful during high-intensity, short-duration exercise, lasting one to several minutes.

One study found that 6 weeks of beta-alanine supplementation increased time to exhaustion during high-intensity interval training from 1,168 to 1,387 seconds. ()

Another study found that 18 rowers who took the supplement for 7 weeks were 4.3 seconds faster than the placebo group in a 2,000-meter race lasting over 6 minutes.()

Other benefits

Beta-alanine also helps delay the onset of weakness by increasing air exchange rate by 13.9%. ( , )

For older people, it helps increase muscle endurance. ()

During resistance training, this supplement can increase training volume and reduce weakness. However, there is no definitive evidence that beta-alanine increases strength.( , , , )


Beta-alanine is most effective during exercise lasting one to several minutes. It helps reduce weakness while increasing exercise capacity and muscle endurance.

How does beta-alanine affect body composition?

Some scientists suggest that beta-alanine has a positive effect on body composition.

One study found that taking this supplement for 3 weeks resulted in an increase in lean muscle mass. ()

Similarly, supplementation for 4 weeks helped 32 women lose weight and reduce their percentage of fat mass, and increase their percentage of lean muscle mass. ()

It is possible that beta-alanine improves body composition by increasing training volume and promoting muscle growth.

However, the results of some studies indicate that there are no significant differences in body composition and weight after a course of taking this supplement. ( , )


Beta Alanine helps increase training volume. This allows you to increase lean muscle mass and reduce the percentage of fat mass. However, the evidence for this fact is ambiguous.

Health Benefits of Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine increases carnosine levels, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Interestingly, laboratory and animal studies have shown that carnosine has antioxidant and anti-aging properties, and also helps strengthen the immune system. However, clinical studies are still required.

Carnosine also prevents changes in protein structure and function in the body. This may explain its anti-aging effect. ()

Moreover, carnosine appears to help increase nitric oxide production, which helps fight the aging process and also improves function. immune system. ( , )

Finally, carnosine improves muscle quality and function in older adults. ( , )


Carnosine has antioxidant and anti-aging properties, and also helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, it helps improve muscle function in old age.

Dosage and method of administration

A 40-60% increase in muscle carnosine concentrations is typically observed after 4 weeks of supplementation. ()

Taking beta-alanine with meals can further increase carnosine levels. ()


Safety and side effects

The most common side effect of taking beta-alanine is paresthesia.

This is an unusual sensation that is usually described as “tingling and itching.” As a rule, it appears on the face, neck and hands.

As the dosage increases, the intensity of itching increases. Typically, this sensation occurs when taking 800 mg of the supplement or more, and disappears 60-90 minutes after taking the supplement. ()

There is no evidence that paresthesia poses a health risk. ()

Another possible side effect is a decrease in taurine levels. This is because beta-alanine can compete with taurine for muscle absorption.

Animal studies have shown that taking beta-alanine reduces taurine levels by 50%.


TO side effects beta-alanine refers to itching and decreased levels. The data is quite limited. However, based on available research, beta-alanine is safe.

Combination with sports supplements

Beta-alanine is often combined with other supplements.

These include sodium bicarbonate, creatine, and various pre-workout supplements.

Bicarbonate of soda

Bicarbonate of soda ( baking soda) increases physical performance by reducing acidity in muscles and blood. (

You may already know what beta-alanine is and what it feels like, but what is its job and what does it do? Thanks to this article, you will learn everything you need to know!

Chris Lockwood

Beta-alanine is technically a non-essential beta amino acid, however, in the world of bodybuilding and sports nutrition, it is simply impossible without it. Also known by the trade name CarnoSyn®, beta-alanine has become a star with claims that it can improve muscle carnosine levels as well as athletic performance during high-intensity training.

In addition, beta-alanine is known for the "tingling" effect that you may have felt - and perhaps feared - after your first pre-workout supplement containing this beta amino acid.

Beta-alanine can provide a real boost to athletic performance, however, it has unique chemical properties that need to be understood. Additionally, it has a unique push-pull relationship with our good old friend taurine that also needs to be taken into account.

Beta-alanine may deserve a permanent place in your dietary arsenal. In this regard, in order to finally decide whether you should take it or not, I will give you scientifically proven information, everything you really need to know about this nutrient.

What is he?

Beta-alanine or 3-aminopropionic acid is a natural beta-amino acid and a component of histidine-containing dipeptides (carnosine and anserine), as well as vitamin B3, that is, pantothenic acid. Structurally, beta-alanine is a hybrid of the powerful neurotransmitters L-glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which may explain the potential for a caffeine-like effect to occur as a result of its consumption. In addition, many scientists even advocate a secondary classification of beta-alanine as a neurotransmitter.

The human body produces beta-alanine in at least three ways. It may be released by the cleavage of histidine-containing dipeptides such as carnosine or anserine, or may be formed as a byproduct of the reaction that converts L-alanine to pyruvate. In addition, beta-alanine can be formed during food digestion when intestinal microorganisms remove a carbon atom from L-aspartate, releasing beta-alanine and carbon dioxide.

When beta-alanine is consumed as a dietary supplement, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters skeletal muscle via the beta-alanine and taurine transporter, a process dependent on the bioavailability of sodium and chloride. Once it enters skeletal muscle cells, it binds with the essential amino acid L-histidine to form the dipeptide carnosine, and that's where it all begins.

What is he doing?

Sports positive effects beta-alanine is associated with its ability to increase carnosine levels in muscle. Beta-alanine is the limiting amino acid in carnosine synthesis, meaning that its presence in the bloodstream is directly related to the concentration of carnosine in muscle.

To date, all studies using beta-alanine show a significant increase in muscle carnosine levels. This is in contrast to other iconic dietary supplements such as creatine, which may or may not have effects depending on the individual. That being said, beta-alanine doesn't just work broadly, it works well. In one study, supplementation with beta-alanine showed an increase in muscle carnosine concentrations of up to 58 percent in just four weeks and up to 80 percent in 10 weeks.

But what's so special about this carnosine? - you ask. Well, in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, this peptide is one of the first lines of defense against the accumulation of hydrogen ions (H+) in muscles during high-intensity training. An increase in H+ levels causes a significant decrease in acidity levels in muscle cells, which negatively impacts enzyme function and muscle activation-contraction pair events that support sustained high-intensity force production. Simply put, low acidity is the main culprit in muscle fatigue.

Additionally, muscle carnosine concentrations are associated with a high percentage of fast-twitch type II muscle fibers. For this reason, sprinters and natural muscle freaks have high levels of muscle carnosine. In general, men have higher levels of carnosine in their muscles than women, most likely because the enzyme that breaks down carnosine is more active in women.

What are the sources of beta-alanine?

As a result of eating regular food, we obtain only a small amount of free beta-alanine. Most comes in the form of dipeptides such as carnosine, anserine or balenine, each of which increases the bioavailability of beta-alanine when broken down during digestion. If you are not a vegetarian, you get these compounds from consuming animal proteins. In particular, pork and beef are good sources of carnosine, while tuna and venison are rich in anserine.

How closely is carnosine related to meat consumption? One study observed a significant reduction in the expression of carnosine synthase (an enzyme involved in the production of carnosine) after five weeks vegetarian diet. In this regard, it is not difficult to guess that the concentration of muscle carnosine in vegetarians is significantly lower than in meat eaters.

In addition to having independent food additives Beta-alanine is a standard ingredient in many pre-workout formulas. However, when purchasing beta-alanine supplements, look for the trade name CarnoSyn® on labels.

Natural Alternatives International holds the patent on the beta-alanine manufacturing process, and their product is the only one protected by patents and has been proven in multiple studies to be effective.

Be careful if the label does not say CarnoSyn®! In this case, you will most likely be consuming either regular L-alanine or something completely different.

What are the positive effects on training and athletic performance?

If you need increased muscle performance for physical activity short to medium duration, then beta-alanine has practically no equal in this matter; there are only a few food supplements with a similar effect. In particular, beta-alanine is most effective in supporting exercise lasting longer than 60 seconds. But for shorter periods it is no longer particularly effective or constant, since in this case the ATP-creatine phosphate energy system dominates.

For example, in one of the first published studies of beta-alanine and human athletic performance, subjects received a placebo, either 20 grams of creatine monohydrate per day, or 800 milligrams of beta-alanine four times a day, or the same dose of beta-alanine plus 20 grams creatine monohydrate.

Both groups receiving beta-alanine experienced a significant increase in maximum power output in a four-minute maximal-intensity cycling test compared to those receiving placebo or creatine alone. The most significant improvements were noted in the first and fourth minutes of the test.

Since this early research, beta-alanine has shown consistent improvements in muscle power output, strength, training volume, high-intensity performance, and peak oxygen uptake (improved aerobic capacity).

In the latest experiment, soccer players who took 3.2 grams of beta-alanine daily for 12 weeks of the competitive season experienced an average increase in athletic performance of 34.3 percent, compared with -7.6 percent for those who received a placebo. By the way, if we take into account the analysis of the responses of all subjects, those who took beta-alanine showed improvements ranging from 0 to 72.7 percent, while the placebo group's response ranged from -37.5 to +14.7 percent.

Similarly, UK scientists presented results showing that, compared with placebo, daily consumption of six grams of beta-alanine (four times a day, 1.5 grams) for four weeks increased the punching power of amateur boxers by 20 times and the frequency of punches by 20 times. four times. However, when using long (2-5 minutes) rest periods between sets of a high-intensity strength training session, the effects of beta-alanine were found to be negligible.

Because of this, to maximize the effects of beta-alanine, I recommend using a high-intensity bodybuilding workout. training program, high-intensity interval training, CrossFit, or 1-5 minute failure training periods with short rest periods of no more than 2 minutes.

When should it be taken?

Beta-alanine can provide a quick stimulant response, so it's a good idea to take before a workout. If you consume a special beta-alanine pre-workout supplement, then this is already the case for you. However, the beneficial effects of beta-alanine on athletic performance are based on a gradual increase in muscle carnosine concentrations. In this regard, the timing of taking beta-alanine is not as important as the regularity of its consumption.

Muscle fiber structure and muscle carnosine levels prior to beta-alanine intake do not influence the response resulting from beta-alanine supplementation. Likewise, individual dose sizes do not affect the maximum possible muscle carnosine concentration. Instead, the final level of carnosine you are able to obtain will be influenced by your total dose over a period of time.

The effect of a dose of beta-alanine increases exponentially over time due to the long period higher level carnosine in muscles. After reaching the maximum carnosine concentration with beta-alanine and stopping it, carnosine levels decrease by only one percent per week.

How should it be combined?

When consuming beta-alanine, I recommend taking taurine. Taurine is an underappreciated supernutrient that has incredible benefits for neuromuscular, cognitive, pulmonary function, blood glucose management, and the antioxidant system.

Let's look at the details. Over time, there is a possibility that the use of beta-alanine in high doses in the absence of dietary taurine may lead to certain problems with health and athletic performance. Studies in mice suggest that taking high doses of one of these supplements in the absence of the other may cause decreased neurological and neuromuscular effectiveness. In the case of beta-alanine, an angiogenic (stress-inducing) response of decreased serotonin production was observed.

Experiments in rats show that severe taurine deficiency resulting from regular consumption of high doses of beta-alanine impairs nitric oxide production and response. However, long-term studies have not been conducted to determine the likelihood of similar problems in humans as a result of consuming standard doses of beta-alanine.

The combination of beta-alanine with other nutritional supplements besides taurine depends on your goals. Remember, beta-alanine works most effectively during high-intensity exercise that lasts at least 1-5 minutes. So, if your goal is to improve athletic performance in sessions lasting less than 60 seconds, target compounds that support the ATP-creatine phosphate energy system. These compounds include creatine, oral ATP, caffeine and betaine.

If you are training for any sport, you should consider including DL-malate and similar energy system intermediates such as alpha-ketoglutarate, citrates, aspartate, as well as carbohydrates, BCAA, glutamine, citrulline in your diet. and coenzyme Q10.

Is it necessary to periodize the intake?

Based on the current evidence, I personally don't see the need for beta-alanine cycling as long as you take taurine.

However, if you are not taking taurine as a dietary supplement, it may be wiser to still cycle beta-alanine from time to time. Since taurine absorption is only affected by elevated plasma beta-alanine levels, and muscle carnosine levels remain elevated up to three months after stopping beta-alanine supplementation, cycling with 4-9 weeks of “consumption” and 4-9 weeks of “break” will allow you to get lasting positive effects. However, this is just my theory, so it's probably better to just consume it along with taurine

One concern with the issue of duration of supplementation and/or cycling is the lack of studies on human athletic performance when consuming beta-alanine for more than 12 weeks. It is unclear whether muscle carnosine concentrations will continue to increase, or whether there is some kind of ceiling. Additionally, due to the low rate of decline in muscle carnosine, further research is needed to determine the specific degree of increase in carnosine concentration required to produce significant improvements in athletic performance.

In other words: is an 80% increase in muscle carnosine more effective than a 50% increase? Also, is beta-alanine cycling necessary after reaching a certain threshold of muscle carnosine concentration? Until we have answers to these questions, we can only speculate about long-term beta-alanine intake.

Are there any side effects?

Beta-alanine has its own built-in dosage regulator. You may have felt it in your arms and neck the first time you consumed a pre-workout supplement containing this compound.

The scientific name for this "tingling" sensation is acute paresthesia. In addition, burning, itching, or a rush of blood to the head or ears may also occur. Doses of beta-alanine greater than 800 milligrams—less than half a scoop of some popular pre-workout supplements—tend to cause moderate to severe paresthesia lasting 60 to 90 minutes. In one study, subjects received three grams of beta-alanine at a time, after which a very strong effect of paresthesia was observed.

If paresthesia is a problem for you, then I recommend limiting your initial beta-alanine intake to approximately 800 to 1,200 milligrams every three to four hours for at least four weeks. This will be enough to obtain positive effects without side effects.

If you take beta-alanine on an empty stomach, its concentration in the blood will indeed begin to rise faster, however, at the same time, it may increase the likelihood of paresthesia effects. In addition, people who consume beta-alanine for a stimulant response report seeing more lasting effects when taken on an empty stomach. However, when using beta-alanine to enhance athletic performance, this does not matter much, since each dose is simply added to the previous one, gradually increasing the concentration of carnosine, regardless of the presence of food in the stomach.

Time and further research will help us adjust the dosage and intake needed, providing us with a clear picture of the long-term safety and effectiveness of beta-alanine, as well as information about compounds that may enhance its beneficial effects. On this moment There is plenty of evidence demonstrating the incredible benefits of regular beta-alanine consumption in athletes - especially vegetarians, ectomorphs (who have difficulty gaining weight) and women.

This is a natural amino acid that our body can synthesize itself in the liver. Not so long ago this sports supplement became very popular. Beta-alanine often added to pre-workout supplements. Let's figure out how this amino acid acts on the athlete's body.

During high-intensity exercise, the human body accumulates hydrogen ions. Which leads to an increase in pH in the muscles, in other words, an acidic environment is formed. Which significantly reduces muscle performance. Beta-alanine has a buffering ability; it pushes back the threshold of fatigue during intense anaerobic training.

It has been proven that Beta-Alanine has a positive effect on the mental performance of an athlete. One group took placebo, the other 3g. amino acids per day. In the second group, concentration, reaction and speed increased, the athletes became more concentrated, even under stressful conditions.

Beta-alanine is directly related to Carnosine - this is a special dipeptide that consists of the amino acids histidine and beta-alanine. It is found in fast-twitch muscle fibers and is primarily used during intense exercise. strength training. The more carnosine in the muscles, the lower the concentration of hydrogen ions, which means our performance increases. The supplement is effective in relieving post-workout muscle soreness and has been proven to speed up recovery from injury. Our goal is to increase the concentration of beta-alanine in the body.

Reasons to Take Beta Alanine

Reduces the feeling of fatigue during intense cardio workouts

Enables more training volume to be completed

Improves human cognitive functions

Tandem + beta-alanine

Many drugs, when used together, give greater results than individually, and the combination of alanine in sports supplements was no exception. In one study, creatine plus beta-alanine led to a significant increase in lean body mass and a significant drop in body fat over 10 weeks.

Safety of Beta-Alanine

This is a completely natural sports supplement that has a positive effect on the body. Even if the recommended dose was exceeded, no side effects were noted. Personal intolerance is possible, but was very rare. Appeared as slight redness skin on the back or arms, but after 2 weeks of use these symptoms disappear. However, manufacturers urge you to follow the dosage. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should refrain from taking the supplement.

How to take beta alanine

It should be taken before training or during the day; it is not so important the time of intake as the concentration of the amino acid in the blood itself. Single dose 1 gram, daily dose 3-5 grams. The minimum course is 1 month, the maximum is 3. It is important to take the supplement continuously, then you need to take a break for at least 4-5 weeks. After taking beta-alanine, you may experience tingling sensations in your fingers and toes, nothing to worry about - this means that the sports supplement is working. The maximum result is felt after 4 weeks of use.

This sports supplement is perfect for boxers, football players, and people involved in different types martial arts But it will be less interesting for track and field athletes.

Great training and great victories!