AVZ - restore system settings and remove viruses. We fix and optimize the latest version using the AVZ Avz program

AVZ Antiviral Toolkit is a popular antivirus utility, valuable primarily for its power. It is a direct analogue of TrojanHunter and LavaSoft Ad-aware 6. We recommend downloading AVZ for free on our portal. You will receive reliable protection against the following malicious objects:

  1. SpyWare and AdWare modules.
  2. Trojan.Dialer and Trojan programs.
  3. BackDoor modules.
  4. Network and mail worms.
  5. TrojanSpy, TrojanDownloader, TrojanDropper.

Antivirus utility AVZ

The very first functional responsibility of AVZ in Russian is the removal of SpyWare and Trojan programs. But let’s talk in more detail about other capabilities and features of the software developed by Oleg Zaitsev.

  • Regular updates of safe file databases.
  • Search for viruses in firmware using analysis (registry, disk and memory files).
  • Built-in Rootkit search system without using signatures and correctly blocking its operation.
  • Detection of Trojan DLLs and Keyloggers (keyloggers).
  • Studying suspicious files through neural networks.
  • Automatic diagnosis and treatment of viruses.
  • Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer.
  • Built-in manager of processes, drivers and services.
  • Autorun manager - control of many new keys.
  • Function for searching a file according to certain criteria (result - text protocol and table).
  • System of built-in analyzers (data from open TCP/UDP ports, Downloaded Program Files (DPF), network sessions, shared resources).
  • Cleaning the system using the Boot Cleaner driver.
  • Analysis of blocked objects and moving them to quarantine.
  • AVZGuard - protection of antiviruses and antispyware, as well as eliminating problems with hard-to-remove malicious files.

AVZ is reliable

We already offer you latest version for Windows 7/8/XP/Vista. It includes many useful improvements in heuristic scripts and wizards. It is also worth noting that the program allows the use of external control scripts.

This is a reliable and high-quality search for malicious Trojan programs and other suspicious objects. Download to your computer and be sure that the system is secure.

AVZ is an anti-virus scanner for removing Trojans, Backdoor components, AdWare, SpyWare, and other malicious code from your computer. You can download the latest version of AVZ from the official website at the bottom of the page. The Internet has long become an integral part of our lives. Searching for information, downloading files, exchanging letters and links - all this is done as simply as possible. However, not everything is so rosy. After all, insidious viruses live on the vastness of the World Wide Web. Of course, there are not as many of them now as there were twenty years ago, but there is still a chance of picking up a malicious program. And what she will do is impossible to predict. Maybe they will leak your information somewhere. Or maybe it will just erase everything from hard drive. There are a lot of options, and all of them are not particularly pleasant.

Various antivirus utilities come to the rescue, ready to protect your computer from malware, Trojans and worms. One such program is the AVZ antivirus scanner. It has an icon in the form of a sword and shield (which seems to hint) and a good, constantly updated database about the “enemies” of your PC. In addition, it is distributed absolutely free of charge, which is also good news. Download AVZ for free from our website right now. link below.

It works on almost any machine, regardless of whether it has a relatively recent Windows 10 installed or the now “semi-legendary” (everyone has heard, but few have seen) XP.

AVZ is able to quickly detect SpyWare and AdWare modules, Trojans, network and email worms and other very unnecessary programs on your PC. I must say, he copes with his task just perfectly. Download AVZ for free right now using the link at the bottom of the review.


The AVZ utility turned out to be surprisingly multifaceted and multifunctional. In addition to the “standard” signature scanner for such utilities, the program has many capabilities and skills. Namely:

  • Contains heuristic system check microprograms. These programs look for SpyWare and viruses using indirect signs. To do this, the registry, files on the disk and in the computer memory are analyzed.
  • The database of safe files is regularly updated. This database is incredibly extensive. This includes digital signatures of a huge number (counting in the tens of thousands) of system files and files of known safe processes.
  • The base interacts directly with AVZ, working according to a simple, but popular and effective principle"friend/foe". In this case, safe files cannot be quarantined or deleted. The security database is used by a file search system, as well as various analyzers. Thus, the process manager will highlight services and processes recognized as safe with a special color. The disk search can be configured so that it excludes all known files from the selection. This approach is especially convenient when catching Trojans.
  • Built-in Rootkit detection system. A rootkit camouflages malicious objects, controls some system processes, and also performs espionage by collecting data. Getting rid of such an uninvited guest is a matter of honor. The advantage of the AVZ utility is that this program is capable of not only detecting RootKit, but also correctly blocking its operation both at the level of an individual process and the system as a whole.
  • At the same time, the scanner is capable of detecting masked objects, keys, etc.
  • Detects and destroys keyloggers and Trojan DLLs. This action is performed without using a signature database, based only on system analysis.
  • Has its own neuroanalyzer. The neuroemulator built into the utility makes it possible to examine suspicious files using a neural network.
  • The program has a built-in Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer. Analyzes settings, looks for errors in them, and can also correct them. This feature is especially useful for novice users.
  • It has its own manager of processes, services and drivers. Analyzes processes, libraries, services and drivers that were launched. Capable of detecting masked processes in them.
  • Built-in search for files on disk. It has many criteria, surpassing the “built-in” search in the system. The result is displayed in the form of a table, which separately indicates the files available for quarantine.
    Search for data in the registry, allowing you to search for parameters and keys.
  • Checking and analyzing open TCP/UDP ports. Searches for Trojan programs.
  • System recovery programs are available. Works great if individual files or sectors of the system are damaged by malware.
  • Removing malicious files.
  • Scanning archives and compound files.
  • The ability to write your own script to perform certain actions.

Benefits of the program

  • Convenient to use.
  • Free.
  • Extensive database.
  • Has many additional features.


  • Not detected.

System requirements

Operating system: W9x, Windows NT, 2000 Professional and Server, XP Home Edition and XP Professional (SP1, SP2, SP3), Windows 2003 (SP1), Windows Vista(SP1, SP2), Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. AVZPM, AVZGuard, BootCleaner technologies are not supported in Win 9x and 64-bit versions of operating systems XP/Vista/Win7/8/8.1/10.

- Free, fast working antivirus utility. Includes AVZ itself and additional utilities AVZGuard/AVZPM/BootCleaner.
The main purpose is to detect and remove SpyWare and AdWare modules, as well as Dialer (Trojan.Dialer), Trojan programs, BackDoor modules, network and email worms, TrojanSpy, TrojanDownloader, TrojanDropper.
In fact, AVZ is an analogue of the popular Ad-aware program (with its own characteristics, of course).
Additional options include a heuristic system check, built-in Rootkit detection system, Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer, built-in process, service and driver manager, TCP/UDP open port analyzer, Keylogger and Trojan DLL detector that works without using signatures (an original neuroemulator is used, which allows you to examine suspicious files using a neural network).

Features of the AVZ utility:
Heuristic system check microprograms. Firmware searches for known SpyWare and viruses based on indirect signs - based on analysis of the registry, files on disk and in memory.
Updated database of secure files. It includes digital signatures of tens of thousands of system files and files of known secure processes. The database is connected to all AVZ systems and works on the “friend/foe” principle - safe files are not quarantined, deletion and warnings are blocked for them, the database is used by an anti-rootkit, a file search system, and various analyzers. In particular, the built-in process manager highlights safe processes and services in color; searching for files on the disk can exclude known files from the search (which is very useful when searching for Trojan programs on the disk);
Built-in Rootkit detection system. The RootKit search is carried out without the use of signatures, based on a study of basic system libraries to intercept their functions. AVZ can not only detect RootKit, but also correctly block UserMode RootKit for its process and KernelMode RootKit at the system level. The RootKit countermeasures apply to all AVZ service functions; as a result, the AVZ scanner can detect masked processes, the registry search system “sees” masked keys, etc. The anti-rootkit is equipped with an analyzer that detects processes and services masked by RootKit. In my opinion, one of the main features of the RootKit countermeasures system is its functionality in Win9X (the widespread opinion about the absence of RootKit working on the Win9X platform is deeply erroneous - hundreds of Trojan programs are known that intercept API functions to mask their presence, to distort the operation of API functions or to monitor their use). Another feature is the universal detection and blocking system KernelMode RootKit, compatible with Windows NT, Windows 2000 pro/server, XP, XP SP1, XP SP2, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2003 Server SP1
Keylogger and Trojan DLL detector. The search for Keylogger and Trojan DLLs is carried out based on system analysis without using a signature database, which allows you to confidently detect previously unknown Trojan DLLs and Keylogger;
Neuroanalyzer. In addition to the signature analyzer, AVZ contains a neuroemulator, which allows you to examine suspicious files using a neural network. Currently, the neural network is used in a keylogger detector.
Built-in Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer. Allows you to analyze settings and diagnose possible mistakes in settings and perform automatic treatment. The ability to automatically diagnose and treat is useful for novice users (utilities like LSPFix do not have automatic treatment). To study SPI/LSP manually, the program has a special LSP/SPI settings manager. The Winsock SPI/LSP analyzer is covered by the anti-rootkit;
Built-in manager of processes, services and drivers. Designed for learning running processes and loaded libraries, running services and drivers. The work of the process manager is covered by the anti-rootkit (as a result, it “sees” processes masked by the rootkit). The process manager is linked to the AVZ safe file database; identified safe and system files are highlighted in color;
Built-in utility for searching files on disk. Allows you to search a file using various criteria; the capabilities of the search system exceed those of the system search. The operation of the search system is covered by the anti-rootkit (as a result, the search “sees” files masked by the rootkit and can delete them); the filter allows you to exclude files identified by AVZ as safe from the search results. Search results are available as a text log and as a table in which you can mark a group of files for later deletion or quarantine
Built-in utility for searching data in the registry. Allows you to search for keys and parameters according to a given pattern; search results are available in the form of a text protocol and in the form of a table in which you can mark several keys for their export or deletion. The operation of the search system is covered by the anti-rootkit (as a result, the search “sees” registry keys masked by the rootkit and can delete them)
Built-in analyzer of open TCP/UDP ports. It is covered by an anti-rootkit; in Windows XP, the process using the port is displayed for each port. The analyzer is based on an updated database of ports of known Trojan/Backdoor programs and known system services. The search for Trojan program ports is included in the main system scanning algorithm - when suspicious ports are detected, warnings are displayed in the protocol indicating which Trojan programs are likely to use this port
Built-in analyzer of shared resources, network sessions and files opened over the network. Works in Win9X and Nt/W2K/XP.
Built-in Downloaded Program Files (DPF) analyzer - displays DPF elements, connected to all AVZ systems.
System recovery firmware. Firmware restores Internet Explorer settings, program launch settings, and other system parameters damaged by malware. Restoration is started manually, the parameters to be restored are specified by the user.
Heuristic file deletion. Its essence is that if malicious files were deleted during treatment and this option is enabled, then an automatic system scan is performed, covering classes, BHO, IE and Explorer extensions, all types of autorun available to AVZ, Winlogon, SPI/LSP, etc. . All found links to deleted file are automatically cleaned with information about what exactly was cleaned and where it was recorded in the protocol. For this cleaning, the system treatment firmware engine is actively used;
Checking archives. Starting from version 3.60, AVZ supports scanning archives and compound files. Currently, archives in ZIP, RAR, CAB, GZIP, TAR formats are checked; letters Email and MHT files; CHM archives
Checking and treating NTFS streams. Checking NTFS streams is included in AVZ starting from version 3.75
Control scripts. Allow the administrator to write a script that performs a set of specified operations on the user’s PC. Scripts allow you to use AVZ on a corporate network, including its launch during system boot.
Process analyzer. The analyzer uses neural networks and analysis firmware; it is turned on when advanced analysis is enabled on maximum level heuristics and is designed to search for suspicious processes in memory.
AVZGuard system. Designed to combat hard-to-remove malware, it can, in addition to AVZ, protect user-specified applications, for example, other anti-spyware and anti-virus programs.
Direct disk access system for working with locked files. Works on FAT16/FAT32/NTFS, supported on all operating systems NT line, allows the scanner to analyze blocked files and quarantine them.
Driver for monitoring processes and drivers AVZPM. Designed to monitor the start and stop of processes and loading/unloading of drivers to search for masquerading drivers and detect distortions in the structures describing processes and drivers created by DKOM rootkits.
Boot Cleaner Driver. Designed to perform system cleaning (removing files, drivers and services, registry keys) from KernelMode. The cleaning operation can be performed both during the process of restarting the computer and during treatment.

In case of problems with automatic database updating, you can download an archive containing the entire current database - avzbase.zip (the archive is updated twice a day)

AVZ is a free utility designed to search for and remove viruses, as well as to restore system settings after the actions of malicious programs.

Preparing for work

1. Download the AVZ utility from the official website: http://z-oleg.com/avz4.zip

2. Unpack the archive

3. Run the file from the archive avz.exe

4. Go to the menu File and select Database update

Click Start to start the update process :

The anti-virus database is being updated:

When the databases are updated, this message will appear. Click OK:

Virus check

To scan for viruses, check all computer drives on the left and check the box on the right Carry out treatment, and click the button below Start:

System Restore

A very useful function of the AVZ utility is system recovery. It will come in handy after removing malware to eliminate traces of it. To start System Restore, click File -> System Restore:

Check the required boxes and click the button Perform the marked operations:

Confirm your intent:

Cleaning browsers with AVZ

From the main menu select File.

Select an item Troubleshooting Wizard:

In field Danger level select All the problems.

Click Start.

Check the following boxes:

  • Clearing the TEMP folder;
  • Adobe Flash Player - cleaning temporary files;
  • Macromedia Flash Player - clearing caches;
  • Cleaning the system TEMP folder;
  • Clearing caches of all installed browsers;

Click the button Fix flagged issues.

Every user has encountered system problems related to viruses and malware. The problems they cause are very serious. Sometimes you have to completely reinstall the system, or the equipment may malfunction. But you don’t always need to turn to specialists for help. Many problems can be solved on their own. This is where AVZ antivirus comes to the rescue. Let's take a closer look at how to work with it.

What is this program

AVZ does not work in real time like antiviruses installed on a PC. You don't have to install it. The utility is in Russian. Does not conflict with antiviruses installed on the system. I have Smart Security installed. In this case, the utility works great. There is no need to disable permanent antivirus.

When to use it

AVZ removes viruses such as AdWare, SpyWare and Trojans. If you notice that your PC is not working as usual: it freezes, the software loads slowly, it won’t turn off, try working with AVZ. Even if everything works as it should, periodically scan your PC with this utility.

How to download and install

Download the latest version from the official website: http://z-oleg.com/avz4.zip

The latest version includes support for Windows 10

Extract the downloaded archive to the “avz4” folder. If you want, change her name to something else. Next, launch it by clicking on the avz.exe file.

Before starting work, update the databases. In the window that opens, find the “Update” icon.

For Windows 7/10, for AVZ to work correctly, run it as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the avz.exe executable file. Next, select the appropriate item.

What to do before work

AVZ is a utility for troubleshooting problems caused by viruses. Therefore, before starting work, run, for example, a one-time utility. It will get rid of viruses, and AVZ will correct violations and delete files created by the virus. Will clean the system after removal.

How to use

Let's launch the utility. The main program window consists of three tabs:

On the first tab “Search Area”, select what to scan on the HDD. A little lower there will be three options. Check the boxes next to them. This will allow you to perform heuristic analysis, scan running processes, and identify malicious software.

File type

In this tab, select what to scan. If a simple check is being performed, check the “Potentially dangerous” box. If there are a lot of viruses - “All files”. The utility works with archives in addition to simple documents. In this tab, configure this check. Uncheck the checkbox next to archive checking.

Search options

A slider will appear at the top. Move it up to enable checking for keyboard hooks. The end result should look like the picture.
Next, configure what action to perform if a virus is found:

A check will run, the result of which will be displayed in the area called “Protocol”. After a short period of time (depending on the amount of information being checked), the scanning will end. Next, the program will indicate the scanning time and the threats found.

If threats are found, look at them by clicking on the button marked in the figure below.
If there are suspicious objects, the program will write the path to them, description, and type. Here you can move it to quarantine or delete it.

System functions

In addition to checking for viruses and malware, AVZ performs many functions. Let's talk about the most useful ones. To access them, click on "File". A context menu with all functions will open.
Let's look at the most important ones.

System Research

The function will collect information about the system. This is the technical and hardware part. This includes: system files, protocols, processes. By clicking on the “Research” link, a new window will open, where you indicate to the utility what information you need to collect. Having installed everything you need, click on “Start”.

In a new window, the program will offer to save the document. It contains the selected information in html format. Opens in any browser. Next, click “Save”.

Scanning will begin. After it is completed, you will be able to view the selected information.


These functions can return OS elements to their original state and remove settings. The malware wants to deny access to the “Registry Editor” or “Manager”. Tries to add parameters to system file"hosts". The restore option will unlock these items. To start, click on it and check the boxes for the actions you want to perform. I checked the 11, 13, 17 option. Next, click on “Run”.


The list of options found in the “File” menu includes functions that work with scripts. These are “Run”, “Standard”.
By clicking on “Standard” a window will appear with a list of ready-made scripts. Check the boxes as needed. Next, click on “Run”.

Another option will launch the editor. Write the script yourself, or download it from your PC. Next, click the “Run” button.

Quarantine and Infected option

By clicking on this item, view the potentially dangerous elements detected by the utility during scanning.
Delete the files (if found), or restore if they are not dangerous.
To have potentially dangerous software quarantined, check the appropriate boxes in the settings.


To view the list of services offered by the program, click on the corresponding “Service” line.
Let's look at the most used ones.

Process Manager

All executable files running on the system are displayed here. In a new window, look at their description and the path to them.

End the process if necessary. Select it from the list and click on the button with a black cross. Located to the right of the window.

This is a replacement for the dispatcher installed in the system. Special value represents if it is blocked by a virus.

Services and Driver Manager

The second service on the list. By clicking on it, a window will open where you select the service using the switch: services, drivers all. Select the desired item and then disable, stop or delete it.

Startup manager

Use it to configure settings for programs that start with the system. To disable, uncheck the box next to the selected item. The entry can be completely deleted. To do this, press the button with a black cross on it.

Once deleted, it cannot be restored. Therefore, check carefully so as not to erase important records.

Hosts File Manager

If a virus has written its own values ​​in this file and blocked access, use this option. A new window will display its contents. It won't be possible to add anything. Just delete. This is done using the button with a black cross.

Launching utilities

The program allows you to work with popular applications. To do this, go to “Service” - “System”. Pressing system utilities, you can:


If you have a virus that cannot be removed, use the AVZGuard function. It adds the malware to the list of untrusted software that cannot be operated on. To activate, click on the AVZGuard line.

I would like to note that this function and AVZPM do not work for me, since these technologies are not supported by 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. Read more about this in the official technical documentation at: http://z-oleg.com/secur/avz_doc/index.html?t_install.htm.


I recommend that all users download AVZ. Run the virus scan utility periodically. Its main task is to remove spyware, Trojans and SpyWare. But this does not mean that you do not need to use antiviruses that protect your PC in real time.