Ava on Instagram full screen. Avatar for Instagram. Examples. What is the best time of day to post on Instagram?

You can download the app for iOS or Android. You can view user photos directly from a computer with Internet access. The mobile app is used to upload, edit and share images as there is currently no way to do this from a computer.

If your business is a brand starting from scratch, there are many creative ways to launch your Instagram account. One of the most interesting examples I saw was the clothing store Kooples, which did a daily countdown until the account went live.

What are the exact image sizes used by Instagram?

  • Square images are king on Instagram.
  • Avatars size 110x110 pixels.
  • The standard photo size on Instagram is 612x612 pixels.

Any image you take - up to a 2048-pixel square - can be resized. For example, the mosaic that appears at the top of your profile consists of the top seven most recently uploaded photos. The largest image in the mosaic will be 409x409 pixels. If you're new to Instagram, your cover photo will be created as soon as you share seven images.

This is what the Socelin mosaic looks like today.

What are the most effective analytics tools for Instagram?

Just like Facebook and Twitter, there are third-party analytics apps for analyzing Instagram statistics. They let you learn more about how to get the most out of your publications. Here are two of the best tools analysts:

Iconosquare is a deep (! And free) set of tools for analyzing your Instagram account. Iconosquare allows you to get the total number of likes on your profile, a list of the most popular photos from your account, the average number of likes and comments per photo, a graph of growth in the number of followers and more advanced analytics.

Totems - luxury analytics created specifically for brands. This tool covers all the basic statistics for Instagram, including analytics dashboard, hashtag monitoring and social CRM. Price starts at $149 per month.

What indicators should you measure up to?

If you want to set a course for success like some of the big brands on Instagram, then you need to aim for the same rates of likes and comments that they receive. Track Maven's Sabel Harris, who released a lengthy report last fall on the top 500 businesses on Instagram, notes that large brands receive an average of 37 likes and comments per post for every 1,000 followers.

You can extrapolate this data to calculate targets for your company. Multiply the number of your subscribers by 0.037.

If you have 1,000 followers, aim for 37 likes and comments per post. If you have 500 followers, aim for 19 likes and comments per photo. If you have 5,000 followers, aim for 185 likes and comments, respectively.

Of course, you should expect an uneven ratio of likes to comments. Analysts of the Totems service found that the average distribution of activity per post is 100 likes for every 1 comment.

If you cannot achieve the desired results, then you can use the Instagram boost service by adding the desired number of subscribers and likes.

What is the best time of day to post on Instagram?

SumAll application analysts investigated best times to send messages on seven different social networks, including Instagram. Their takeaways for Instagram:

From 17:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 17:00 to 20:00 on Mondays.

Here's their fun infographic. You will find Instagram data in the middle:

The mobile nature of Instagram creates a different time frame for posting, unlike social networks Facebook or Twitter, which can be accessed throughout the day from a work computer (Instagram can also be accessed via a computer, but users generally prefer logging in from mobile devices) . Instagram's "portability" makes the "best time to post" curve a little flatter, since the app is available at any time (we always carry mobile devices in our pockets or purses).

SumAll also mentions the burrito principle, a concept coined by a stylish Stay blogger named Darian Rodriguez Hayman. The principle is based on the fact that you need to catch people during a pause or break when they eat a burrito, for example, so that they have free time to check social media, including Instagram.

To “catch” users, your posts should be timed to coincide with moments when they have free time.

It is also possible to post late at night when there is a lull on Instagram. During this period, your message becomes more visible.

In terms of popularity, the Instagram service is perhaps comparable only to social media. networks such as Facebook and VKontakte, and in a sense is itself a social network. network. That is, it is assumed that you need to create an account and add a photo to your profile. An avatar is an important thing in any profile, since it plays the role of a business card (they are greeted by their clothes). And on Instagram, avatars are perhaps the only way to tell potential subscribers who you are. Therefore, today we will talk about how to put a picture or photo on your profile picture on Instagram.

You can use the Instagram service from any mobile device - tablet or smartphone. Accordingly, you can log into your account “directly” from the browser or using the application. Because of this, the way you manage your profile pictures on Instagram varies slightly.

  1. Open the Instagram mobile application.
  2. At the very bottom, in the right corner, you need to click on the person’s image. Click and open your profile.
  3. Click on the “Edit profile” link.
  4. Click on the circle with the image of a person’s silhouette in the upper left corner. It is here in the application that you can save pictures on your Avatar.

Pictures for Instagram that can be used to create avatars can be uploaded in three ways:

If there is a large (or at least some) selection of photographs or other images potentially suitable for an avatar, preference should be given to those that are well “rounded”.

Important! On Instagram, the avatar is round in shape, and this must be kept in mind: the selected image should fit well into the circle so that the main thing fits in the center, and there is enough space left around the edges.

Upload the selected image into the form and move the circle to the area that should become the avatar. The circle can not only be shifted, but also compressed or stretched by clicking on a point on the circle. If you want to pass the image through filters, you need to do this before uploading it to your profile.

The development of modern technological progress is such that Instagram, a service supposedly designed for visual perception (and therefore theoretically optimal for use on a large screen), is in reality most used on mobile devices. Publications from users we follow catch us in the most different places- on the road, in the store, on a picnic with friends. And the desire to publish new photos can also find us anywhere. It is not surprising that installing or changing an avatar, in most cases, is more relevant on a mobile device.

However, sometimes situations arise when the question arises of how to set an avatar from a computer. We risk upsetting those who want to know how this is done: almost nothing.

Important! Instagram does not allow you to manage your profile from a browser on your computer.

The Instagram network is focused on . Logging in through a browser on your computer allows you to view and comment on photos, but does not allow you to edit your profile. The only way that exists today is to use the Blue Stacks emulator service, which is downloaded from the official website.

What pictures are ideal for avatars?

Before proceeding with the installation, remember that as an avatar you should choose an image that will best serve the purpose of the account. The different purposes that avatars serve require a different approach.

If your account was created primarily to share photos and videos with friends, your first avatar would be a photo of yourself. You can use not your personal portrait, but a photograph in which several faces are visible (friends or family, for example). But let's not forget about round shape, due to which the picture for the avatar on Instagram must be selected taking into account the cropping of the outer areas to make a circle. We remember that if potential familiar subscribers cannot immediately identify the user by nickname, ava is their only opportunity to “recognize” him.

If you already had an avatar once installed, and now it’s time to change it (or you’ve lived without an avatar all this time and finally decided to install it), then for the main circle of subscribers you no longer need any introductions and can easily choose any a picture you like.

However, since new subscribers will still appear, it is still worth considering that pictures suitable for avatars of girls and boys are usually different, and in this you should not deviate from the expectations of subscribers.

But the choice of image on the avatar is already room for the imagination of its owner, and it can be completely subordinated to an image that is associated with the mood or lifestyle of the owner. By the way, often a very interesting selection is offered by sites where you can view and download free pictures for avatars on Instagram.

If the account belongs to commercial company or its representative, it is reasonable to set as an avatar an image of a logo, a picture with a slogan or an image that evokes the desired associations among potential subscribers. By the way, an avatar can serve as a very effective tool for promoting your account or blog if you choose the image wisely.

  1. Instagram does not obey the laws of “rectangular” images, in which the height is greater or, conversely, less than the width. All images have square proportions (height equals width) with dimensions 110x110 pixels.
  2. Image is important. Every 2 out of 3 people look at their avatar during the search process. Therefore, it is worth choosing a picture of good quality and a logical semantic load, which will successfully convey the desired visual “message” at first glance.
  3. When choosing an image, remember that in the application on your phone it will be reduced and all small details will be indistinguishable. Therefore, choose a picture whose essence will not be lost when reduced.
  4. For the same reason, reducing the image is better to avoid an abundance of colors. The optimal picture is with a laconic color scheme and right.
  5. If the goal of an account (whether personal or commercial) is to attract as many followers as possible, the meaning of the profile picture should convey the content of the account as accurately as possible.

As we can see, setting a photo to your avatar on Instagram is very simple. It's important to get creative and choose the exact image that will best represent you to each potential follower.

Instagram is a popular social network where main content— photography and video.
Cafes, restaurants, boutiques, flower shops and all types of activities that can be “beautifully photographed” have long been making money from just one Instagram account.

This is not only an opportunity to share photos and videos with friends, but also a powerful tool for maintaining brand loyalty, the opportunity to be closer to customers, to know their interests and attitudes towards your product.

To create a business, sell goods or provide services, it is not necessary to rent an office, equip a store or have a business. Systems approach, a little creativity and you can make money with just one Instagram page.

Before you start promoting, you need to carry out. Proper filling determines whether your customer will find the product or service they are interested in on your page.

Let’s start by creating a “skeleton” for an Instagram online store.

1. Create an Instagram account: avatar, name, biography

It is best if the nickname matches the name of the company and does not contain unnecessary words and commercial messages (official, the best, shop, etc.). It’s also good if you have one nickname for everything social media. It will be easier for your subscribers to remember or find you:


Do not neglect the principle of “meeting by clothes”.
An avatar is the main attribute of your profile recognition. The face by which people will greet you, remember you and fall in love. The picture should be clear and not contain unnecessary details:

In the example above, the manicure studio adheres to the principle of simplicity and minimalism: a picture and text on a white background.

After editing, save the created logo.

Near an avatar that is pretty in every sense, there should be information that the subscriber needs. After all, it is by the description that a person will determine whether your activity is interesting to him.

How to fill out your Instagram profile information:

Add or change this information by clicking the "Edit Profile" button at the top of the page. You need to clearly understand what exactly is important for a person to see on the page that interests him: and it is this information that must be provided in the description (products or services of the company, address, slogan, etc.).

1. Profile picture;
2. Biography;
3. Phone number;
4. Email;
5. Geodata.

Instagram Page Descriptions

Research shows that we remember 20% of what we read and 80% of what we see. But as information develops, people stop perceiving everything unnecessary. Even if between the lines you placed important information, a person can simply scroll through it. You have 5 seconds to grab the attention of a potential customer who has visited your page for the first time.

Make sure you have filled out the required information in your profile:

  • Company name;
  • a brief description of what you do;
  • contacts;
  • coordinates;
  • link.

If you figure out how to correctly fill out the necessary information before creating your profile, then upon completion you can safely forget about the need to update your biography or contacts. Which you certainly can’t say about . Here you need to be on trend and creative all the time. Since photography is something that potential clients of your business must like.

2. How to take good photos for Instagram using a smartphone

All the work previously done will be appreciated and effective with good content on your page. In order to create it, you don’t have to be a photographer, have expensive photographic equipment, or turn to professionals.

Here it is enough to know 3 basic rules of photo content:
1. Use a smartphone with a good camera;
2. Take pictures in daylight;
3. Always use the same photo processing filters to create a unified account style (we’ll also tell you about mobile applications for photo editing).

Decide what mood the profile conveys to your reader: calm - pastel shades, minimalism (suitable for textile stores, children's clothing, etc.) or rich colors- energy, expression. To ensure that your profile photos are in harmony with each other, place light, dark, or photos with color accents in a checkerboard pattern:

Of course, this is not necessary and creating your own unique profile will be better than generally accepted templates. But if you are just starting out and have no ideas yet, you can use this one.

Remember that a new user always pays attention to the profile as a whole, and not individual pictures. And your subscriber is in the photo in the feed. Make sure to keep both of you interested.

3. The best applications for processing photos and delayed publications:

VSCOgood set ready-made filters. Choose the one that best suits your product. Experiment with multiple photos and filters. Do they harmonize with each other?

Lightroom. Helps create a unified balance white on Instagram profile.

The program, of course, has much more potential; we recommend that you study it to create your own stylized account.

Snapseed. The program will help you create an exposure or highlight accents in a photo.

UNUM. Create your profile photo placements before they're published:

The photo was taken and processed. But that's half the work on this post. The next step is description or text.

Text in posts

Decide on the purpose of your presence on Instagram: this is a platform from which you want to sell, or a tool for connecting with customers (suitable for existing stores. Here Instagram is not the main source of sales, but in the future it can significantly increase them).

There is an option to hire a copywriter or SMM specialist. But the owner can easily manage the business account. After all, no one knows your product, its properties and capabilities as well as you.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about writing texts for product posts. But still, always “try on” the text for yourself: what a person should think after reading it and, most importantly, what to do.

In the text, give real benefits for the person, rather than characteristics that may not always be clear. For example: you sell portable batteries for phones. In the description you will write 1000 mAh. But people don’t always know how much it is. And if you write: “1000 mAh - up to 5 phone recharges” - potential client will evaluate whether the product is suitable for him and save him from unnecessary thoughts. Here he sees the value of the battery and its application to his needs.

The post should always have a call to action: order, buy, call.

Avoid template words and applications in the text: “ best quality”, “low price”, “unique production”, “reliable service”.
Replace them real properties product:

  • “best quality” for “80% of the composition is steel”;
  • “low price” - always write the real price, comparing yourself with competitors;
  • “unique production” - we make orders based on your preferences;
  • “reliable service” - 5 year guarantee.

Without water, with real examples use of the product.
In your posts, try to balance between product posts and useful content. This way you will look like an expert in the eyes of the reader, become an authority, and build trusting relationships.


Hashtags for the page are necessary for easy search of the necessary posts.

Create your own unique hashtags:

They work well for a range of products. For example, the tag #cupcake_Instabakery: a subscriber will be able to quickly find all the cupcakes you offer.


Decide where you want to sell your goods: if it’s within the city limits and you have an offline store, geolocation is definitely needed.

But if you reach an audience outside your region, it’s better not to set a location. This may scare away potential consumers. They will think it is far away and will not pay attention to the product. Even if he interested them.

Forget about manually creating posts every day!
All successful pages automatically post pre-prepared content.

As a beginning entrepreneur, automate your posting: spend 1-2 days on photos and texts. The scheduler will publish finished posts at the specified time and date. The Instagram page will be regularly filled with previously planned content.


Now you know what is important when creating an Instagram business page. We learned how to process photos, use text, and rules for maintaining our own categories and hashtags. Of course, mastery comes with time. Don’t be afraid to experiment and most importantly, practice by taking examples and ideas from your favorite accounts. Try combining photo content in several styles, changing colors and accents. Over time, you will definitely create your own individual account with unique beautiful photos to inspire others.

If you have questions, feel free to write comments. We are always happy to help.
Good luck and many sales!

Posted byDecember 13, 2017 November 25, 2019 Posted in

How to make that very “live” frame for your avatar yourself, as if your story was filmed (and when it is actually filmed, there will even be two circles on your Instagram avatar)? A question that has already stirred more than one inquisitive mind of an Instagrammer these days! Do you want me to tell you? Use it while I'm good!

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a circle frame on your Instagram profile photo

1. Download the PicsArt program, it is free, and everything we need in it is also free. It is important! Because many advisors list programs for which you will have to pay for advanced functionality. Not here.

2. Download from the Internet (okay, Google, download it for me) background for Instagram, that is, the Instagram background, which is what you see in the photo as a frame. Save it to your phone album.

3. Go to PicsArt and select the same rainbow background from the album as a photo.

4. Next, click on the “Add Photo” button below. Choose your photo for your avatar. Then again at the bottom you will see the “cut shape” button: click it and select the circle shape. So your circle will be dressed in the iris. Reduce the size of the inner frame to a minimum or remove its transparency in the next step, when your circle finally appears on the rainbow background. Save.

5. Open Instagram and edit your avatar. Choose our saved masterpiece and insert it evenly into the circle.

Looks neat. It's actually much easier to do than I described. I tried to explain the whole algorithm on my fingers.

By the way, you can show off and make a frame of a different, bright, eye-catching color. To do this, you need to go to the LiPix application and select a frame with a circle there. Insert your photo inside, and select the background color (which will later become the bright shell of the photo) to whatever your heart desires with one touch on the gamma. To place it evenly on your avatar, you can again use PicsArt and cut off a circle according to the well-known pattern. But those who don’t have hands made of faux leather can handle it just like that.

I don’t know why everyone needs this frame, but since there’s a wedding like this, cut the last cucumber!

For those who found it useful, put some money in the comments!💸💸💸 And write your secrets for creating bright avatars. There must be a lot of us, selfless madmen!😂