1971 is the year of the pig according to the eastern calendar. Pig (Boar) according to the eastern horoscope is a characteristic of the sign. Famous people born in the year of the Pig

Pig (Boar) is the twelfth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern, or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yin” and “yang”. Its element is “water”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

The pig symbolizes:
honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, determination, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivitynaivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality

Table of the years of the Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig give a general idea of ​​the sign and introduce it to its positive and negative qualities. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better and to understand the peculiarities of building their personal relationships and careers.

Character traits


Honesty and directness are the basis of the Pig's character. Her calm, balanced disposition and reasonable approach to everything attract others. She performs well both at work and at home.

  • Main positive character traits:
  • honesty: The Pig does not look for workarounds and cunning tricks, so you can always rely on it; achieves everything in life through his labor; It is always a pleasure to deal with her in business, as she never “stabs in the back”;
  • directness: her “yes” means “yes”, and her “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from those around her; at the same time, she does not cross the line and knows how to maintain a balance between directness and harshness;
  • thoughtfulness: The Pig thinks first, then acts; She successfully applies this approach in all areas of life and achieves a lot with its help, especially at work;
  • determination: after the Pig makes a decision, it stops at nothing and goes to the end; this quality allows her to always bring what she starts to its logical conclusion and receive well-deserved laurels;

peacefulness: does not tolerate conflicts; often acts as a peacemaker in quarrels; knows how to forgive others for their shortcomings; in unpleasant situations always acts more reasonably than everyone else; Peacefulness and sociability make the Pig a wonderful friend. Negative. her merits. With sufficient support from loved ones, she can easily cope with her negative qualities. It is better for her to always consult with others and not make decisions on her own.

Negative character traits:

  • naivety: The Pig is honest and expects the same from others; therefore she is easy to deceive; she often becomes a victim of scammers;
  • slowness: never makes hasty decisions; prefers to think everything over and only then act; therefore, matters are not resolved immediately, but after developing a clear “action plan”;
  • categorical: The Pig is principled; she divides the world into “black” and “white”, “good” and “evil”; therefore, she has no half measures, she always thinks and acts directly and categorically;
  • idleness: loves entertainment and a cheerful life; can easily become addicted to bad habits - alcohol, smoking; she likes to spend money, so even with a lot of earnings she can “lower” it to “zero”;
  • superficiality: The Pig often takes on many things; she strives for knowledge, but lacks orderliness; although she seems to be knowledgeable in many areas, in reality she may turn out to be an amateur.

Love and relationships

The pig chooses a life partner similar to her in character. She surrounds her chosen one with care and well-being, tries to please him in everything. At the same time, if the Pig’s passion remains unsatisfied, then after a while it seeks pleasure on the side.

She is capable of doing everything for the family, even giving up a dizzying career. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Career and profession

The Pig has enormous working potential. She is energetic and always finishes what she starts. At the same time, he never gets down to business without thinking through all the nuances. She has few “punctures” and problems in her work. For this, her superiors appreciate her.

The pig easily climbs the career ladder. She is lucky in financial matters. She often receives bonuses and highly paid positions. He achieves everything through his own work and never goes overboard.

Recommended professions. The Pig, with its honesty, desire for justice and peacefulness, is suitable for professions in the field of working with people, as well as creative professions where its sensitivity is used. She successfully works as an actor, artist, writer, doctor, and social worker.

Were you born in 1971? Then you will be interested to know, and 1971 is the year of which animal according to the known Chinese calendar? Today we will talk about what character traits your animal has. Information on the compatibility of your sign with other representatives of the Chinese horoscope will also be useful.

Year of the Pig: main characteristics

1971 is considered to be a person born under this sign, quite straightforward and honest. At the same time, he is distinguished by limitless patience. The Pig has a modest, even shy character. When choosing a profession, he gives preference to one that promises to be quiet and calm in the future. The Pig is always ready to offer its help. Answer to the question: "1971 is the year of which animal?" - you already got it, so let's continue our conversation.

Communication with other people

The pig is quite reserved when communicating with strangers. This attitude can continue until the new acquaintance wins the Pig’s trust, and then the Pig’s true face appears from under the mask of aloofness: a lively and cheerful person.

A person born under this sign has quite a wide range of eyes. But there are very few friends who can understand her feelings and share her thoughts.

Pig - an extremely non-vindictive sign, this sign will never use the information received in an attempt to harm someone, and will not let you down.

The horoscope for 1971, whose sign according to the Chinese calendar is Pig, suggests that a person born this year is quite conservative. He likes to spend time in the lap of nature, enjoying holidays outside the city, but does not like to go on long journeys. It is quite difficult for a pig to adapt to an unfamiliar area and environment.

She gets along with people quite quickly, painlessly joining any new team. A person of this sign is extremely attentive to people. Sometimes it looks like self-sacrifice when the Pig simply forgets about his own well-being.

Beauty in the life of a Pig

She simply adores beautiful things, so the Pig could well be called a connoisseur of beauty, but, alas, she lacks taste. This sign loves holidays and fun, and prefers to be the organizer of such events.

Material wealth

Money is always present in the life of a representative of this sign. He will never be left without work or livelihood. But he should be more careful in situations where he is offered help in difficult times.

Personal life

The pig has a huge number of fans. She is the center of attention and is simply adored. But she cannot avoid disappointments in her life, alas! She can quite simply turn out to be a toy, having suffered from her excessive gullibility.

But if in the life of a Pig there is a person who is ready to surround her with care and become strong support in life, then the Pig will live an incredibly happy life. She will become a wonderful mother and a gentle wife.

1971 is the year of which animal? Compatibility with other signs

The Pig is a fairly peace-loving sign, but at the same time it is good-natured and naive. Now you know 1971 is the year of which animal. A horoscope of sign compatibility will also come in handy.

Rat: if the Rat can tame his aggressiveness by submitting to the calm Pig, then such an alliance guarantees a calm and prosperous life.

Ox: These signs are not made for life together, and even friendship is possible only if they do not see each other too often. But a business relationship will benefit both.

Tiger: love relationship can only develop if the Tiger can satisfy the sexual needs of the Pig. Friendship can be a mutually beneficial enterprise because it is based on mutual understanding. But there is no point in building business relationships.

Rabbit: family life doomed to failure due to the too shy Rabbit. It is also not worth starting friendly relations. But partnership in business is simply an ideal relationship.

Dragon: a marriage union between them will not work, but friendship will be excellent.

Snake: these signs should not start any kind of relationship. Neither marriage, nor friendship, nor business relationships are simply possible.

Horse: not a very good union. The Pig suffers from the egoism of its partner, unable to satisfy the Horse’s passion. In this regard, friendly relations are also futile. The reserved Pig does not suit the energetic Horse. Business relationships are also unlikely.

Goat: These signs complement each other perfectly. The Goat, thanks to the fact that the Pig is able to satisfy its material needs, will be simply happy. The friendship of these signs will be very strong. In a business union, they complement each other perfectly.

Monkey: a good match. There is mutual respect and understanding here. Friendly relations and business cooperation will also be very strong.

Rooster: marriage is possible only if the Pig can financially provide for the Rooster. It’s not worth starting a friendship, since an overly active and noisy Rooster will irritate the Pig. Business relationships will also not be successful.

Dog: marriage can work provided that none of the partners begins to show their mental superiority. The friendship will turn out to be strong and long-lasting, but a business alliance will not work out.

Pig: a marriage will be promising only if one of the partners is inferior to the other. Business and friendly relationships are simply doomed to success.

Knowing the answer to the question: “1971 is the year of which animal?” - and having received information on the compatibility of signs, you can build not only business, but also friendships and marriage relationships.

The sign of the Pig represents the feminine principle of yin, the fourth triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of water.

The sign of the Pig embodies concern for the well-being of the family, the education of children, and strives for comfortable life. The pig represents kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help representatives of this sign achieve success in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people. Patience, perseverance in life's troubles, and a calm character help this sign in partnerships. The Pig knows a lot about good things, needs interesting interlocutors and attracts tempters into his life like a magnet. The main problem of this sign is self-doubt. The Pig is a real fatalist, loves to dramatize and withdraw into depression. At these moments, she needs the support and emotional participation of friends in her problems.

She is too unconventional in relationships, loves to experiment and diversify love relationships. She herself is also changeable in her moods, everything depends on the moral and material investments on the part of her partner. The pig cannot endure poverty, but in abundance it flourishes, becomes prettier in appearance and invariably becomes kinder. If the Pig has a bad character, it means she was in the wrong circle and did not work hard enough.

Positive qualities of the sign

Men are real gallant knights, women are noble, sensitive ladies, representatives of this sign have good taste, understand art, and know how to appreciate beauty. Hardworking, thoughtful, open to new things. Trust makes for a good environment, but can make the Pig a target for a liar. A passionate sign that understands love and raising children.

Negative qualities of the sign

When it comes to income, she can be scrupulous and too materialistic in partnerships. Often falls into dependent relationships, cannot overcome infantilism and abandon naivety. Self-indulgent, does not use intuition to unravel deception or manipulation. Fatalism blocks opportunities and stifles inspiration.

In the year of the Pig you should enjoy the joys of life, look for a way to express yourself in a new way. A favorable period for increasing income, starting a business, and increasing material well-being. Intellectually developed people will be more successful than others. The Year of the Pig is good for the entire zodiac, differing only in the degree of positivity. A successful year for the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Monkey. Neutral for Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Cleopatra, Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Francoise Sagan, Carl Gustav Jung, Fyodor Tyutchev, Marc Chagall, Chiang Kai-shek, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Ralph Waldo Emerson, German Titov, Ernest Hemingway, Aleister Crowley, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Elton John, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock. Actors: Arkady Raikin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov Alain Delon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Charlotte Ginsbourg, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Svetlana Khodchenkova .

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Pig

The expression “if you fall in love, you won’t stop loving” refers to representatives of the element of fire of this sign. No matter what, the Fire Pig will always win, will be able to overcome opposing circumstances and will find something to be happy about in difficult moments of life. She is least dependent on the vicissitudes of fate, knows how to find benefit everywhere, an optimist with a bright temperament. This sign is not inclined to deeply analyze situations, but intuitively chooses the best.

Yellow Earth Pig

This combination of sign and element often promotes laziness and inertia. Passivity is dangerous for the Earth Pig, as excellent opportunities are not realized. Meanwhile, the Pig of the earth element is an excellent housekeeper who cares about the continuation of traditions, is capable of anything for the sake of a loved one, a peace-loving and good sign. The desire to avoid conflict often puts the Earth Pig in an ambivalent position, which leads to dependence and manipulation. The most distrustful of the elements of this sign, the Earth Pig will require guarantees in their personal life.

White Metal Pig

This combination carries mystery and a rich inner world. The most selfless among the elements of her sign, she is ready for self-sacrifice. The Metal Pig always lives a rich spiritual life, is not inclined towards materialism, although he provides for himself well. Success and career come easier to her than others. She is more demanding of living conditions, loves luxury and comfort, knows how to earn money, and values ​​her achievements. She expresses her feelings very emotionally, is integral and purposeful.

Black (blue) Water Pig

This combination of qualities makes the representative of the sign vulnerable to manipulators. The Water Pig is kind and trusting, her own emotions and feelings are most important, she is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. If the environment is hostile, then the Water Pig knows how to mask its feelings, keeps secrets, avoids scandals and showdowns. He often makes mistakes and chooses a partner that is not suitable for his level of development. Needs protection. Usually has bright appearance and pleasant manners. Very sexy, independent, cannot stand life in captivity.

Green Wooden Pig

For people of this element, honor and honesty are above many other qualities. They are energetic, active and purposeful. They are distinguished by openness and a wonderful sense of humor. They love to relax and do it with pleasure. They have many friends and admirers, but sometimes people of this type can be too trusting; you should always remember this and not take all information at face value.

A proud, passionate Pig, overwhelmed by emotions and moods, who values ​​​​his reputation. He is more strong-willed than other Pigs and likes to dominate more; His appetites are often large, and this can lead to indelicacy or tactlessness.

He is very sociable, extroverted and openly demonstrates his affections. It is unlikely that he will be secretive, rather direct and trusting to the point of naivety. Because of this, he underestimates his enemies and overestimates his friends. Ambitious and strong, but not always objective, the Metal Pig can be a dangerous opponent, because when angry or offended it can be cruel.

The Metal Pig is endowed with great creative power. He is a decisive, active figure who has enough strength for ten.

Metal Pig according to Chinese Horoscope

The most good quality Pig (Boar), ruled by the element of metal, is prudence; thanks to it, these people manage to safely get out of various unpleasant situations. He is conservative than his other brothers and is more cautious and wary of various surprises. But, despite the fact that the sign of the metal boar acts methodically and carefully, and does good career, in relationships he is open, direct and very trusting. For people born under the sign metal pig(boar) reputation is very important, and they will not back down if they can gain even greater authority and social position.

These people maintain a greater distance when communicating with others outside their circle. This style of communication borders on impoliteness, but in reality they have good character and are capable of being warm-hearted people. Since the boar has a warm heart, he tries his best to demonstrate his love to those he loves and has feelings for. He is united with his partner “in body and soul” and finds his happiness in family life.

Metal Boar Man

An energetic, purposeful man makes very ambitious plans. He longs to achieve recognition, but not at any cost, but solely through his diligence and hard work. He has excellent organizational skills, people admire his business skills. Metal Pig is an active man, easily achieves success, and manages to maintain a good relationship even with competitors. He captivates with his kindness, sincerity, and hard work. This is an honest, fair person who takes a responsible approach to any business. Despite all his busyness, he finds time to relax. He loves cheerful companies, knows how to make friends, and is endlessly devoted to close people.

This man is looking for an ideal relationship; not only the external beauty of a woman is important to him, but also her inner world. He is confident enough in himself, so he will not be afraid of difficulties, he is able to achieve the love of the most unapproachable beauty. Metal Pig is a temperamental man, there are always many fans around him. He is distinguished by a reasonable approach to life and will not marry until he is finally convinced of the strength of his feelings. He dreams of a strong family; his plans do not include relationships with other women. Carefully takes care of his wife and children, does everything possible for them happy life. He loves to gather guests in his house, a big fan of friendly gatherings with songs and dances until the morning.

Metal Boar Woman

This sociable woman loves to have fun with family and friends. For all his openness and cheerfulness, he will not make acquaintances with unpleasant people. Behind the outward frivolity lies a rather confident person. Metal Pig is an ambitious woman, strives to achieve success, works hard and hard. Moreover, he also finds time for friends, and has the talent to combine several things at once. An energetic, purposeful woman arouses constant admiration; her superiors often set her as an example to other employees. However, people rarely envy her, she behaves so simply and sweetly: she never sticks out her merits or boasts about her achievements.

Metal Pig is a strong woman, but strives to find a strong man's shoulder. Looking for true love, she will not reciprocate to someone who could not awaken passion in her. He has a cheerful character, expects extraordinary actions from fans, and does not like boring people. I’m ready to go to the ends of the earth for my chosen one. Once married, she proves herself to be an impeccable housewife. Her house is tidy, she has good taste, and tries to create an ideal family nest. With all her love for her husband and children, she will not become a housewife; on the contrary, she will take on building a career with renewed vigor. After all, close people for the Metal Pig are a huge incentive for development.

2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig. Your Chinese zodiac sign is Pig if you were born in the following years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

The Pig is the last sign in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. 12 animals of the zodiac are in this order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Were you born in the year of the Pig?

If you were born in the following years, then, more likely, Your Chinese zodiac sign is Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 or 2007. Why "most likely"? The thing is that it is not always possible to determine your zodiac animal just by the year of birth.

Chinese zodiac signs are determined by lunar calendar, with the onset Chinese New Year . New Year in China comes during the period between January 21 and February 20, and the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take 1995:

1995 who?

Determine Your Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your sign:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

In 1995, the Year of the Pig began on January 30th. If you were born after January 30, then your zodiac sign is Pig. But if you were born before January 30, then you are a Dog, the previous sign. Take advantage of our special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Chinese New Year Dates for the Pig:

Year of the Pig

Dates in different years

Pig type

Wooden Pig

Fire Pig

Earth Pig

Water Pig

Wooden Pig

Fire Pig

Earth Pig

Golden (Metal) Pig

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Pig

Chinese and Western horoscopes are similar in that each Chinese zodiac sign has its own happy Days, colors, numbers, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring him luck. Do you know, What is the difference between the Chinese zodiac and the Western one? ?

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8 and numbers containing them (for example, 25 and 58)
  • Happy Days: 17th and 24th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: yellow, gray, brown, gold
  • Lucky Flowers: hydrangeas and daisies
  • Lucky directions: east and southwest
  • Happy months: 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

  • Unlucky color: red, blue, green
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 7 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: southeast
  • Unlucky months: 4th, 9th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Year of the Pig Characteristics

Those born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by diligence, compassion and generosity. When they set a goal, they know how to focus and direct all their energy towards achieving it. And although the Pig rarely asks for help, nevertheless, those born under this sign will not refuse to help others. They never suspect deception, so they are easily deceived.

IN difficult situations The pig remains calm and does not panic. Depending on how serious the problems are, those born under the sign of the Pig will approach their solution in a balanced way, with the utmost caution. Highly developed sense of responsibility helps the Pig finish the job he has started.


The Pig usually good health throughout life. But during frequent meetings with friends and social events, the Pig should still avoid overeating, excessive drinking and smoking. Except proper nutrition to stay in shape, those born in the year of the Pig are extremely physical exercise needed.

Since those born in the year of the Pig do not depend on the opinions of others, they rarely face stress. Under increased stress at work, the Pig knows how to avoid overwork. And the most effective method to restore strength is sleep.

The most suitable professions for a Pig

In a career, the Pig is usually successful. The reason for smooth career advancement is their conscientious attitude to work and accuracy.

When faced with difficulties, the Pig usually receives help and support from others. A great sense of responsibility allows those born in the year of the Pig to follow their calling; they are creative, using a creative approach and imagination in their work.

Communication will help the Pig achieve career growth - surround yourself with like-minded people and success is guaranteed.

People born under the sign of the Pig succeed in creative professions, they are wonderful restaurateurs, doctors, veterinarians and decorators. Prospects and career growth are highly likely in the fields of transportation, entertainment, retail and hospitality.

How to build relationships with those born in the year of the Pig?

The Pig knows how to improve relationships, so those born in the year of the Pig do not need to make excessive efforts to get closer. Sincere and honest, they are always surrounded by friends. Pigs have a clear vision of their goals and do not worry about trifles. They value friendship highly and never betray their friends.

In love Those born in the year of the Pig are affectionate and sensual. Loyal and devoted, once they find a suitable partner, Pigs tend to devote themselves serious relationship. However, the lack of proper mutual understanding threatens some problems in the relationship.

If you are committed to a long-term relationship with people born in the year of the Pig, be honest and be attentive to what your partner cares about.

Year of the Pig compatibility with other signs

  • Best Compatibility: Goat, Tiger, Rabbit
  • Least successful: Monkey, Snake

Famous people born in the year of the Pig:

  • Oleg Tabakov, Anna Netrebko, Fyodor Tyutchev, Vladimir Nabokov, Samuil Marshak, Arkady Raikin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Konstantin Khabensky, Valery Kharlamov.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, Alfred Hitchcock, Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Luciano Pavarotti, Henry Ford.

Types of Pig according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements

What type are you?

In the Chinese theory of the 5 elements, each zodiac sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements (elements): gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. Eg, Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, which will come next 2019, happens once every 60 years. Find out about other interesting Facts about the Chinese Zodiac, which few people know about.

According to this theory, a person's characteristics are determined by the sign of the animal in whose year he was born, as well as by the elements. That is, in the Chinese Zodiac there are 5 types of Pig, each with its own specific characteristic:

The year 2019 of the Pig will be generally favorable for representatives of this zodiac sign. In career, health and love, the Pig will experience prosperity, as well as generous material rewards for their efforts and labors.

Pig career in 2019

In 2019, the Pig will have a slight decline in his career. But as soon as the Pig starts making efforts, everything will work out and turn out very well. 2019 will be especially favorable for entrepreneurs, this good year for business development.

Last months of 2019 – best time for the Pig to achieve his goals.

Pig Health in 2019

If you pay close attention to your health, the Pig will have a relatively calm year. Those born in the year of the Pig are advised to avoid excessive workload and devote proper time to rest and healthy sleep. You should be especially careful on the road.

Financial well-being of the Pig in 2019

The pig has excellent financial prospects in 2019. They will get a good return on their investment and can earn a decent amount of money.

Year of the Pig Love in 2019

In 2019 Pig men will be quite successful in love. They will be able to successfully meet their chosen one.

To the Pig Woman this year, more efforts will have to be made than the male representatives of this sign. Perhaps in the middle of the year it will seem to you that all your efforts are in vain, but do not rush to despair - everything will be resolved favorably at the end of 2019.

Year of Destiny 2019 for those born in the Year of the Pig

When the year of your zodiac animal comes, in China they say that Benmingnian has arrived - the so-called Year of Destiny. In 2019, Benmingnian is for people born in the year of the Pig.

This is certainly a special year, but in China they believe that those people whose year has arrived are destined for trials and unexpected changes. Find out,